It's been a few days since i last blogged so here goes.....
It's been quite a surreal past few days. If i explained to you in a nut shell what's been happening, you'd all probably repeat them same two words that have been the same two words me and a few other people have been repeating.... These two words are "Fucked up." So i've hardly been able to focus on anything but...that.
During all this though....I seem to have been discovering a positive.. Some light at the end of the tunnel hopefully?! I'll never be able to say until i discover it properly but hopefully things can turn out right.... Like i said, everything seems so surreal right now. Emotions are sky high but it's clearly all becoming the next chapter that has been long awaited.
I stupidly slept for 36 hours on Monday. I just wanted to stay in bed, immobile and reflect on everything. Kinda took this too far by having a few sleeping body seriously hurt when i got up. I've been delirious the past 12 hours and been experiencing some bad stomach pains because this. Idiot.
Not thinking i was gonna be asleep for long i turned my phone on silent. Yeah....lesson learnt. Don't turn your phone on silent when people expect you to reply through out the day. Just results in major worry, upset and stress.
It's supposed to be my tattoo appointment today for my continued tentacle erotica sleeve.....annoyingly they've had to reschedule it to next Thursday.....gutted. Another week of wait but another week of excitement.
Here's a photo for your eyes:

And now for some attempted sleep...
Much love,
Asphazia X x
It's been quite a surreal past few days. If i explained to you in a nut shell what's been happening, you'd all probably repeat them same two words that have been the same two words me and a few other people have been repeating.... These two words are "Fucked up." So i've hardly been able to focus on anything but...that.
During all this though....I seem to have been discovering a positive.. Some light at the end of the tunnel hopefully?! I'll never be able to say until i discover it properly but hopefully things can turn out right.... Like i said, everything seems so surreal right now. Emotions are sky high but it's clearly all becoming the next chapter that has been long awaited.
I stupidly slept for 36 hours on Monday. I just wanted to stay in bed, immobile and reflect on everything. Kinda took this too far by having a few sleeping body seriously hurt when i got up. I've been delirious the past 12 hours and been experiencing some bad stomach pains because this. Idiot.
Not thinking i was gonna be asleep for long i turned my phone on silent. Yeah....lesson learnt. Don't turn your phone on silent when people expect you to reply through out the day. Just results in major worry, upset and stress.
It's supposed to be my tattoo appointment today for my continued tentacle erotica sleeve.....annoyingly they've had to reschedule it to next Thursday.....gutted. Another week of wait but another week of excitement.
Here's a photo for your eyes:

And now for some attempted sleep...
Much love,
Asphazia X x
I'll be back on chat at some point this weekend, just been really distracted especially with work. Hopefully catch you next time.
And thank you x