Cant sleep it sux. Modeling scams are fukin dumb i don wan2do nethn but be happy n that just wont work aparently --k
I just got a new 1000 Pin Up Girls book :]
Im so sick. A bunch of ppl from class just calld worried bout me.i wish i had a comp so i could post more! XoXKaytie
There was a dead owl in the road today.May is only short 4 mayhem.The show in Cotuit was fun. fonepost xox kaytite
I saw your iPod in the cases thread and i have to know is that a cover or was that painted on there?
once kaytie gets a new job she gonna get her own account
Wow.this place is horrible.i really just want to shoot evryone.i want to take pics.phonepost-love kaytie
Pics from my camera phone!
rejoined SG with the woman. we're both happy about it

we;come to SGland.
ya might wanna keep the his/hers thing toned down..
account sharing is kinda frowned uppon.

ya might wanna keep the his/hers thing toned down..
account sharing is kinda frowned uppon.
Well tommorow starts the worse week of the year. Woo, i cant wait. Fathers day and the 2 year anniversary of my dads dying day. this sucks.