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Wednesday Aug 30, 2006
well summer is nearing its end - school starts in a few days, the wea… -
Monday Aug 14, 2006
should i go LEFT or should i go RIGHT? -
Tuesday Jul 25, 2006
IT's So DeLiGhTfUlLy DaNgErOuS wHeN oNeS dReAmS bEcOmE fUeLeD wItH r… -
Saturday Jul 22, 2006
where the hell is time going?!?! feels like this summer is flying by … -
Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
i feel like i have been misled all my life... london bridge looks no… -
Friday Jun 16, 2006
"so up to anything good this weekend?" me - "YES!!!" well my … -
Sunday Jun 11, 2006
ok, still getting used to this new layout but i think i like it...alt… -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
i bought jelly beans to share with you then i ate them it's ok,… -
Friday May 26, 2006
it's so tragic being hip or is it hip to be tragic? who cares i… -
Saturday May 20, 2006
ummm... i need a drink or 7 yay... for days off and sunshin…
No reason to be jealous ... just come along! Want to ...?
Right now the plan is to stay for about 3 days in Sydney and then to hire a car and to just drive up the East coast. Will see where that leads me. From Brisbane I'll take a plane to Melbourne where I'm going to meet and stay with friends of mine. Maybe I'll find some time to hire a car again and to cruise the Great Ocean Road. How does that sound! But then ... I still wonder if I should first fly to Cairns to approach things from the top.
All the best and may some of your dreams come true!