sooo our weekend away was soo nice! We stayed with my aunt Jodi whom I love dearly!! Our first night down we had dinner with a few friends and headed in early, the next morning while I was showering we got a call from my fiances brother who was supposed to hang out with us the night before but we couldnt get a hold of him. He had gotten retardley shit faced, ended up in the hospital for hypothermia because in his drunken stupper decided swimming in the ocean at night was the right thing to do. He had lost his car some where in OC so after we found him that morning sun burnt as a mofo we spent the rest of the day driving around looking for his car! around 630pm we found it crashed into a parking curb in a lot needless to say I reminded him how freaking stupid he was for drunk driving and how lucky he was that he didnt get hurt or had hurt any one else! Me and Joe spent the rest of our evening go-karting and went out to dinner which was lovely and the rest of our weekend was spent in good company and just relaxing .... The vacation was really needed
and appreciated ... sadly though its back to work for the both of us ... I hope everyones weekends were just as nice 
