So yesterday we celebrated my little sisters(cheyenne) birthday at kings dominion it was a forever long drive but super fun since it was me, Chey, our mom, and Chey's friend Britt whom I love! We had loads of fun at the park besides the fact that when we went to get on the last two rollercoasters on our list they were shut down due to weather conditions which sucked immensely cause they were the two biggest
but anywho we started heading back and it was monsooning all we could see were a hint of tail lights a little crazy but we powered through and it was a only raining a little the further we got and we made the long ride home fun with silly things. Such as, my nutty mother growling at the food lion truck, or talking about Cheypie and Britt changing into theyre shorts in the parking lot and a literal truck load of guys driving by and seeing them in there skibbies lol. So all fun and games until my piece of shit GPS started freezing every10 seconds and then taking 2 minuets to restart and replan our route. we ended up in the buttcrack of DC like maybe its just because I'm a farm girl but I dont like the city unless I'm going to a good show or the Inner Harbor or aquarium .... cool things like that. But we were in a scary, scary place it took us an extra 20 minuets just to get back to normal civilization and we were reeeaallll low on gas needless to say I was freaking out on the inside but held in together until we were safely back on track lol Ive never been so happy to see Baltimore and just about died of excitment when we finally hit Rt 100!
So yesterday we celebrated my little sisters(cheyenne) birthday at kings dominion it was a forever long drive but super fun since it was me, Chey, our mom, and Chey's friend Britt whom I love! We had loads of fun at the park besides the fact that when we went to get on the last two rollercoasters on our list they were shut down due to weather conditions which sucked immensely cause they were the two biggest