So, five years since my last post, because today I get an email saying some benevolent overlord has purchased a gift SG account for me...huh? Ever since I quit the site they kept sending me cheap offers to come back, and I Think they just decided to give me a free membership disguised as a gift membership, because I don't think I have any friends...
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You are the fourth person in the SGTC to have a membership randomly gifted to them this month! It's a big mystery!
And here I thought I was special...
Two days until I leave for LA, yay.
you used to comment in my journal when I very first joined the site.....now I am saying hello!
you're named after the best book of the 20th century aren't you?

damn. wish i had thought of that.
I just watched "Beat" Takeshi's movie Dolls, and now I'm confused and depressed. frown When the credits roll the movie should say "Remember kids! Down, not across!"
One of my best friends posts on Yafro. I hate it. She's also in it's pro anerexia and bulimia group. I just found out about that recently. I don't know what to do.
LOL, 23 and no dates I'm guessing?

Ever been to Yafro? yafro.com
I don't go to LJ very often, but it's gotta be better than Yafro. It's seriously a out-slut-athon over there.
Goddamn, less than a month until I graduate. I can't wait to leave the bullshit that is my school.

An instructor of mine actually told me that the school forces her to pass/graduate students she doesn't feel should be allowed to pass. My school is full of people willing to pay $55-60K for an education, but not lift their fingers for it. Even the ones...
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Wee, March 04 issue of Computer Graphics world has the project I worked on, page 34. You can also see it on their website. The first project is the one I worked on.
so you're on the site too, heh
Monetary Reasons??? I guess, but it seems pretty inexpensive to me...plus it really IS a good site, aside from the featured topic... shocked

Yer A.I. pal...


P.S.nice work on the design!

[Edited on Mar 18, 2004 1:37AM]
I like how the SG frontpage is now Slashdot + Naked Girls.
Oh shit, I better run out and get my copy of GIRLS BE FARTING 4!
That is exactly what I was thinking.
It's funny how all these user submitted news sites have submissions from other sites that are from other sites that are from other sites...it could go on forever.