my, my
132 days since my last post. not that anyone ever reads my shit, but i feel like i have to appologize to myself. i've been living in this hyper-realistic dreamworld where an amazingly perfect girl, whom i thought was THE one, added so much to my life that i didn't feel as if i were missing anything.
oh well.
back to reality.
fucking soul mate ex boyfriends in mexico.
long story.
anyway, we seem to be at war, as i was alluding to in my post all those blustery 132 days prior. since the first bombs were dropped on baghdad, myself and a group of protestors have been entrenched (in tents, tho) on the Lebanon Valley College campus - subject to mockery, knitpicking, and badgery from the drunken richkid/redneck hybrids that go to school there and victims of tent-tipping (and ripping) terrorism committed by the school's ROTC students.
the paradoxical part is that these idiots are invoking pride in america and its questing for freedom and democracy around the world in their protester- belittlement sessions. they gripe and gripe about how we represent the weakness of the nation and that if we don't like it here, we should leave.
well, here's a message to those "patriots" who feel that the protesters are bringing the grand ol' USA down with our "pinko bleeding heart, terrorist supporting" anti-war rhetoric:
we like it here, (either that or we lack sufficient means to get out) that's why we don't leave. we realize that our representative democracy would crumble to the tyrrany of the majority (and believe me, it would, in a heartbeat) if not for the power of dissent and our constitutionally protected right to voice or otherwise expres it. we, for the most part, love the tenets of the USA - liberty, justice, freedom, individuality, and the like - which is precisely why we demonstrate when we feel strongly about something. the lack of counter-demostration and the rise in popularity of protester torture makes clear the fact that either the ruffians and miscreants don't believe in the values of the nation they purport to defend with their antics or believe in a very short-sighted and massmarket version - one that the Framers of the constitution would be horrified to learn existed - where those who criticise the sitting government (government, not COUNTRY_ for its policy blunders are excluded and subject to ridicule. it's not a crime to burn a flag in protest - it never will be - and if it is, thank god for the supreme court. it's not a crime to call attention to the US's double standard - freedom and "a better life" for the "oppressed" people in iraq (and i'm not denying that they are oppressed and in a bad way at all) while US citizens lack health care and employment and continually observe our basic civil liberties eroding away in the name of enhanced "safety" from "those evil islamic terrorists". it's not a crime to dissagree. it's only counterproductive when those who feel strongly about something choose to name-call and undermine the actions of others in order to avoid intelligent debate.
when an ROTC group, supposedly representatives of the future corps of officers in the US military institution, act in a manner very unbecoming of their title (and i know, title doesn't always dictate behavior, BUT, when your life revolves around following orders, your adherence to that theory dwindles) by throwing urine-filled balloons and destroying private property BECUASE YOU DISAGREE WITH SOMEONE'S MESSAGE, the principles it seeks to defend fly out the window. especially when the protesters have made it markedly clear, time and time again, that they are not hoping for the demise of "our" troops who are simply following orders by being in iraq - we support the troops and hope that ALL of them come home safely and as quickly as possible - it's obvious that the message is either not strong enough or that the ears into which we implore decency are too neanderthalic to be receptive to reason.
that's my rant for the night - time to get back to the tent people and to the paranoia - nothing happened last night, save for some belittlement by passing drunkards, so tonight, we're expecting some kind of wallop.
it's good to have gotten that out.
tomorrow, hopefully i'll do two days in a row.
hope everyone's well.
132 days since my last post. not that anyone ever reads my shit, but i feel like i have to appologize to myself. i've been living in this hyper-realistic dreamworld where an amazingly perfect girl, whom i thought was THE one, added so much to my life that i didn't feel as if i were missing anything.
oh well.
back to reality.
fucking soul mate ex boyfriends in mexico.
long story.
anyway, we seem to be at war, as i was alluding to in my post all those blustery 132 days prior. since the first bombs were dropped on baghdad, myself and a group of protestors have been entrenched (in tents, tho) on the Lebanon Valley College campus - subject to mockery, knitpicking, and badgery from the drunken richkid/redneck hybrids that go to school there and victims of tent-tipping (and ripping) terrorism committed by the school's ROTC students.
the paradoxical part is that these idiots are invoking pride in america and its questing for freedom and democracy around the world in their protester- belittlement sessions. they gripe and gripe about how we represent the weakness of the nation and that if we don't like it here, we should leave.
well, here's a message to those "patriots" who feel that the protesters are bringing the grand ol' USA down with our "pinko bleeding heart, terrorist supporting" anti-war rhetoric:
we like it here, (either that or we lack sufficient means to get out) that's why we don't leave. we realize that our representative democracy would crumble to the tyrrany of the majority (and believe me, it would, in a heartbeat) if not for the power of dissent and our constitutionally protected right to voice or otherwise expres it. we, for the most part, love the tenets of the USA - liberty, justice, freedom, individuality, and the like - which is precisely why we demonstrate when we feel strongly about something. the lack of counter-demostration and the rise in popularity of protester torture makes clear the fact that either the ruffians and miscreants don't believe in the values of the nation they purport to defend with their antics or believe in a very short-sighted and massmarket version - one that the Framers of the constitution would be horrified to learn existed - where those who criticise the sitting government (government, not COUNTRY_ for its policy blunders are excluded and subject to ridicule. it's not a crime to burn a flag in protest - it never will be - and if it is, thank god for the supreme court. it's not a crime to call attention to the US's double standard - freedom and "a better life" for the "oppressed" people in iraq (and i'm not denying that they are oppressed and in a bad way at all) while US citizens lack health care and employment and continually observe our basic civil liberties eroding away in the name of enhanced "safety" from "those evil islamic terrorists". it's not a crime to dissagree. it's only counterproductive when those who feel strongly about something choose to name-call and undermine the actions of others in order to avoid intelligent debate.
when an ROTC group, supposedly representatives of the future corps of officers in the US military institution, act in a manner very unbecoming of their title (and i know, title doesn't always dictate behavior, BUT, when your life revolves around following orders, your adherence to that theory dwindles) by throwing urine-filled balloons and destroying private property BECUASE YOU DISAGREE WITH SOMEONE'S MESSAGE, the principles it seeks to defend fly out the window. especially when the protesters have made it markedly clear, time and time again, that they are not hoping for the demise of "our" troops who are simply following orders by being in iraq - we support the troops and hope that ALL of them come home safely and as quickly as possible - it's obvious that the message is either not strong enough or that the ears into which we implore decency are too neanderthalic to be receptive to reason.
that's my rant for the night - time to get back to the tent people and to the paranoia - nothing happened last night, save for some belittlement by passing drunkards, so tonight, we're expecting some kind of wallop.
it's good to have gotten that out.
tomorrow, hopefully i'll do two days in a row.
hope everyone's well.
Here here, brother! Well said (although said quite a while ago!).