I had the best fuckin' day ever!
Today my propmaking class went to tour the place I plan to work once out of school. It was so kick ass, but I couldn't take pictures for confidentiality reasons.
Where to start.... hmm... well one of the old guys that works there did a little thing called the carbon freeze chamber in a little known movie called EMPIRE STRIKES BACK!
We were shown a stripped down pyro run with out all the other stuff to distract.
There was this awesome remote control pulsing brain...coming soon to a cinema near you. (but I can't say in what it's a secret)
They had the werewolf suit from the Gingersnaps movies.
There was this awesome 2 part fake blood ... invisible part A on a weapon invisible part B on an arm when the 2 meet instant red blood very cool!
Dozens of different types of fake snow & ice.
Can you tell yet I really wanna work there?
I could learn so much.
My props instructor works there & asked me for my resume yeehaw!
Any way I'm stoked and cant wait for school to end.
Take it easy
Today my propmaking class went to tour the place I plan to work once out of school. It was so kick ass, but I couldn't take pictures for confidentiality reasons.
Where to start.... hmm... well one of the old guys that works there did a little thing called the carbon freeze chamber in a little known movie called EMPIRE STRIKES BACK!
We were shown a stripped down pyro run with out all the other stuff to distract.
There was this awesome remote control pulsing brain...coming soon to a cinema near you. (but I can't say in what it's a secret)

They had the werewolf suit from the Gingersnaps movies.
There was this awesome 2 part fake blood ... invisible part A on a weapon invisible part B on an arm when the 2 meet instant red blood very cool!
Dozens of different types of fake snow & ice.
Can you tell yet I really wanna work there?
I could learn so much.
My props instructor works there & asked me for my resume yeehaw!
Any way I'm stoked and cant wait for school to end.
Take it easy
I LOVE meeting cool theatre people... And thinking of all the fun projects!... Getting PAID is even better!!
The Props guy at U of A worked on Hedwig the play... Not nearly as impressive as Star Wars, but it meant a lot to me, since I LOVED that show.
A cosume designer I've worked with also worked with Kubrick and Erte!... Also met the design asst. for Quills and Sleepy Hollow.
How I would KILL to work on shows like that!.... Someday, someday.