I'm soo Emo.. I shave my legs...So.. I've gone from being depressed.... to what must be inbetween happy and depressed.... I'm fairly Blazay about everything.. with a few exeptions... I care... don't get me wrong.. closest thing I can compare it to is being a robot.. as far as I go... I don't get happy, sad, mad, glad. you get the point.. And I have a far bit of shit I could be depressed about.. but what's the fucking point... there isn't one.. all the shit in my life.. is easily fixable with a little of good old fashion work... It's not like people are going out of there way to fuck with me.. like some of my friends... If i call you a friend.. I would do anything for you.. which is why I would only call like 4 people.. friends.. 2 I've know forever, and 2 I just met.. anyways.. I just needed to rant.. thank you please drive thru....
i understand that...although in my case, my lack of emotion is something i more or less taught myself, just because id rather be numb than miserable.