Well... Not much new is going on.. I really have no social life to speak of.... if you live in New England, invite me out sometime... I need more friend's... and March 1st I getting tested for ADHD... huh? what look a butterfly.. Because I have it really bad... and one of the good side effect's of the drug is weight loss... wooo skinny here I come... Well.. Wugglyump,Gia, and Edea all have taking me off there SGfriend's list.. A.Due the the fact i was going to be taking a break, B. I hardly talk to Gia, and almost never to Edea..C.They have been abducted by alien's and they have been replaced my evil alien clone's who sole go in life is world domination... probably A,B, and C.... anyway's.. I'm going to try and add them back so if you are said person.. and reading this... Sorry I don't message enough.. you all are on my daily journal reads..
well goodluck with testing. and hooray for GOOD side-effects