ai eu to embaando pra ver esse filme h sculos hehehe, mas at me empolguei agora!!

brigada querida... uma bosta mesmo :/

kiss kiss
I love Salvador Dali, a few years ago i went to a huge exhibition of his work in Belgium, you would have loved it!
I don't know mirror mask.
Won't post any pic yet... I'm tired...

Just to say that I just watched V for Vendetta. One word: perfect!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Yesterday was so good but I'm feeling really, REALLY sick... puke

Heey smile
Is often, that we feel sick in weekend smile I hope You're feel better now?? smile
I saw V for Vendetta - good movie! I recommend You "Being John Malkovich", if You didn't see.. You will laugh all this movie!! smile
Ok, I'm going.. Just I'd like to say "hello" to You smile kiss

PS. Do You know, who wrote it??
"if you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"

I love this picture...smile
And " Mirror Mask"... I'll find it on internet, and will watch..

Have You read every Nietzsche book?? You are great smile
Have a nice weekend, without any sick tongue smile
Yesterday I slept at friends house.
I wish I had kissed a guy that was there. But he wanted to kiss a friend of mine, as usual. frown
We have drank for about 8 hours. blush
I only slept one hour and a half.
I'm still a bit drunk and too sleepy to write something good (yeah... I know it's 11:15 in the morning here in Brazil)....
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he was blind !!!!!! kiss
Ok... Today was a better day!
It was day to have our pictures taken for the graduation invitations. We spent all morning with the photographer. At lunchtime we went to a shopping mall to eat. 28 ppl wearing black from head to toe... It was quite funny. Everybody looking at us... lol
Then there were things to do at the university and after that we...
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Glad you're having a better day buddy. chin up.
esse livro um dos meus favoritos, checa no profile, gosto muito!! terapia eu sempre fiz na linha cognitiva, acho que produz melhores resultados. psicanlise em alguns casos s confunde mais a cabea da pessoa, no meu ponto de vista. tu mora no interior n?? j deu uma pesquisada onde seria possivel fazer o que tu quer?? tenho amigos na psico, s vezes posso dar uma perguntada. kiss kiss
I really feel like I'm tired of waking up.
Are you fucking kidding me? I get up every day at 4:30am to drive the chip truck for 12 hours. I'm the one that needs sleep....ohhh...precious sleep.

You don't have issues do you? Tell the old man your troubles. I've probably been through it already....unless it's girls plumbing stuff....ick.
kiss blush
Hm... I didn't go to the birthday party. I didn't want to sleep there 'cause I'd have to carry very heavy bag all Monday (I'll spent 10 hours at the university tomorrow). And it would be at night. As it's another city, I called the friend. And as I'm a cool friend (biggrin hehe) I offered myself to celebrate with her another day this week....
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Hey, hey smile
Korea... I came back about two weeks ago, but my mind is still there..
This is small, but beautiful country.. I use to lived in Seoul about two weeks.. Amazing city.. Very big, much bigger than London.. And very safe. Even i didn't see any police car who was in action.. You can walk on the any street, in the any park even 1, or two o'clock.. And still You can see many people there.. They just talking, or jogging around.. And I never sow mixed groups.. It was always men and women separate.. smile
on the country site You can feel like, the time stopped in 1970/80 year..
Seemingly people never looking at You.. But lot of people ask my Korean friend ( I was trawled with her ) "did I eat something" "did I enjoy it" "do I like Korea" etc... Korean people are very friendly, when You ask for some information.. But also very shy to talk with foreigners.. Is really sweet!! I went many, many places, and really i leave my heart in Korea.. And I want beck there soon as is possible smile
On the end my trip I went on the traditional Korean wedding.. My another friend just get married with German guy.. They just meet in London, and finally they are very happy!!
And the ceremony was beautiful.. I took more than 600 pictures, and I will put some of them in my blog..
I hope You're not sleeping yet smile
Have about You?? Have You been in some different country, witch You really like??

10 hours at the university?? mad You must be so tired... Just I hope, that is some interested for You.. smile
How was Your weekend?? Do You living in the sea site?? I asking, cause I love the sea.. Here in Cardiff is nice sea, but quit cold and dirty.. But anyway I'm going there very often..smile

I'd like to send You "request friendship", but if You don't like it, just ignore me..
Ok, I'm not gonna boring You any more smile
Just one more thing is... kiss kiss blush smile
Maybe one day I can break you out. biggrin kiss
blah blah blah

(a decent post later ;P)
aho q vou fazer um update assim tbem hahahahaha
legal q tu tah terminando psicologia, eu acho bastante interessante, fiz terapia muitos anos. gosto bastante das ideias de jung. kiss kiss
*I got this birthday party to go tomorrow... don't feel like going. I give up trying to feel comfortable watching people using drugs. And the fact that I know it's going to happen there (though it's nothing very harmfull), doesn't motivate me very much you know... But I love that friend. So... I'm probably going.

*My week is going to be worse than usually is......
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I feel the coldness creeping in.
A sudden, deathly chill.
Frozen is the Earth.
So in this state I just stand still.
Snow covers the ground.
The forest at a stand still.
Silence is the Earth.
An emptiness sinks within.
Dead is the trees,
Gray is the sky.
To me this is death.
The rest is just winter.
Always with you wink
Yes, I would. Probably dinner of your choice then we could see a great concert at the place I work at. After that we could go to the duck and have a few drinks which is a metal bar downtown. From then on who knows what would happen. kiss smile
Too close to leave - Guano apes

To be with you
you're so sweet
your naked body lies next to mine
and we're here
within touching you're skin with my eyes
I'm a river so deep in your arms
sharin the same heart
within don't let me be one of your stars

cos I live all the dreams you dream
and I see all the...
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The date went bad. frown

I wish you lived near by. I would ask you out. kiss smile
Hey...that's a pretty good song. I just downloaded it. I like your taste sista.
ive never read it..am interested though very much so.
Ai eu adora Neil Gaiman!!!T loka pra compras todas aquelas edies de capa dura que lanaram!!!

smile kiss smile kiss smile kiss
My day wasn't exactly funny. A patient let me waiting and waiting and waiting...Didn't show up. I had lots of things to do, but hadn't done anything... My head is full of things. I can't think. frown

A fact: Call me a narcisist or whatever you want, but I really enjoy taking pictures! biggrin
I take my own pics and I know some of them are really...
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Your pictures are great and you look very pretty kiss
Are you a nurse as you said you were waiting for a patient?
pena q minha conexo ruim demais pra ver fotos. e pq paciente, tu mdica?? kiss kiss
I wasn't able to go to the other friend birthday party. Things weren't really good round here today. I chose to stay at home.
Watched La Mala Educacin (Pedro Almodvar) for the second time (I love watching movies again and again and again) and Final Fantasy VIII (is it correct?)... Well, watched half of Final Fantasy... the first part I slept like an angel...And I...
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You're amazing woman!! GOD!!! love love love ... And You like Guano Apes!! smile smile
oioi, te vi nos comments da syn....e fiquei curiosa pq vc eh brasuca tb e tal heheh...ai tava vendo seus posts antigos...mulher, ONDE VC COMPROU aquela bolsa da Emily?!!?!??!
Eu sou apaixonada por ela, tenho ate uma tattoozona no brao haha...e a bolsa beeeem bacana, simplezona, linda...
Bom, se vc nao se importar, me conta viu?!