Again another thinking while in the shower. I wonder how odd it would be to meet the person you lost your virginity to again. I haven't seen mine for years. I guess what I'm really interested in is what he thinks of me now. He's one of the few guys that I slept with and still have some respect for.

Oh welll,
I guess it depends on if you parted on good or bad terms. I didnt talk to the the chick that I lost my virginity to until about five years later because we had a bad break up. Once we burried the hatchet we celebrated by having sex again, and it was way better than I originally remembered. Maybe you should give him a call wink
Well I feel like shit. Anyone else feel like shit? So if you've been reading this you know I liked that steve guy. I put that in the past a while ago, but it appears that he still thinks I'm a freaky stalker.(his friends and him came up with this because they see me by my window a lot-now my bed and desk are right...
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Thank you cuttie! wink
Sounds pretty crappy. Hope you're feeling better by now!
Is it possible to be stalked by a book? Because I think that may be happening to me.

So I bought this book at the planned parenthood booksale. Then while cleaning out my grandma's house I found it again-from my dad's old books. So around then I decided to read it. Then my first college class had us read it. Then several of my friends...
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So this guy likes me(why does that always catch me by surprise?). He's the Delt guy that slept with Racheal. Even if he wasn't shorter then me and I found him at all attractive I can't see myself giving a guy who slept with my roommate a chance, or a guy that she doesn't even care for after getting to know him(although that probably has...
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There's a ton of wind. Maybe that means that things are changing, moving. Oh as if I know how to read the freakin' weather.

All I know is I'm pulling out the blankets and putting on my coat. Iowa's weather calls for practical attire. I always feel like I'm being shut off from the world when winter comes. I have to shut windows and doors...
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I feel like a shut in. All I want to do is lay around in my room and read Lenore. Maybe if people didn't dissapoint me so much I'd actually like to spend some time with them.

My roommate has taken her whorishness to a new level. She slept with two more guys this weekend and one of them just happens to be the guy...
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Sorry to hear about your roommate. That must be a difficult situation. However, I would recommend getting out more. Just a thought. smile
Daydreams. I do it all the time. Since childhood. I was an only child, so it used to be a game and now it just keeps happening. I think I do it now as a cheap attempt at entertaining my brain. Well I had yet another one that I thought I'd share with you:

I was in the bathtub and for some reason was carving...
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Haha. Daydreaming is definately a number one pasttime for me, especially when listening to music. I'll start daydreaming that I learned to sing and play guitar, then started doing cover songs of whatever I'm listening to. Most of the time, I'm putting on a stupid concert at work or something, despite the fact I can't sing, can't play guitar, and really have no real ambition to do so.
I'm in the mood to accept my sickness. Who am I kidding? It's what makes me happy. It's what has made me happy.

Those things that scare normal people just always draw me closer. I'm always lying when I say oh gross.

Although it does seem to be more socially acceptable to enjoy pain. Don't get me wrong. Some pain sucks, but I have always...
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Freaks rock my world. I can't stand plain jane boring, so good for you. Liking you more every day. kiss
People are yelling
People are screaming
People are complaining
About what they've been seeing
The whole thing came to me at once when it started raining tonight.
Nope, in the perfect world of an idealic bastard like myself there would be no need to ever leave babies at all.
Unfortunatly I don't control the world, and there are things like this going on.

My point was that we live in a place that is strongly against even very early term abortions, and those that want to keep the morning-after pill illegal, but they feel that it is just fine to force a woman to go through with the entire pregnancy even when they know from the beginning that they are not ready to become a parent.
Imagine how that must feel....to go through 3 trimesters knowing that you can't afford to have a child and your option given to you by people that have no understanding of your situation is to just simply abandon the baby after birth........I mean, thats totaly acceptable right? They're advertising it on the fucking radio.

I'm not saying this shouldn't be an option, it just shouldn't be the only option which alot of people are lobbying for. When it is known from the beggining that being a parent is not possibe, then I think that abortion is a far simpler option for those that would choose it. I see the termination of an undeveloped unconcious fetus as a responsibe choice under certain circumstances, that saves a child from being born into an uncertain, unstable world of sarrow.

Like I said, in my perfect world there would be no need for either abortions or drop-off points, but this world isn't perfect. My views on this subject stem from my own childhood with parents that were not ready to have children and from the kids I knew growing up that had never known any type of family life, only being bounced from one shitty foster home to the next.
This morning I woke up and found myself in a bed with a guy and another girl. Interesting enough only one of us got laid last night. Anyway so the guy was my good friend Joe and the girl was my bf Brit. Brit and I drove up to Des Moines and hungout at Watson and Sam's. While Watson, Joe, and I were on the...
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I forgot. I got AIM; add me as AnesthesiaCG.
Ok none of you guys are totally assholish or nice. In the end you're all a bit of both and I'm tired of it. I refuse to comprimise who I am anymore. I don't fucking care if I seem like a scary bitch anymore. If he's worthwhile he'll have the balls to deal.

I spent the day stressed over finishing my class, got invited to...
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Yeah, thats true tongue and I guess not all women are total bitches........
Ok, I realy can't go there.....I actualy only know a few that are. shocked

Scary, disgusting, bitch.....I think you're probably over-reacting.
Going home is always a good feeling, though people should appreciate you for more then your ass.
When I get stressed, whitch isn't often these days, I go for a long walk in the forest. Thats my personal little eden I guess.

Bad mac and cheese.....Haha, let me know if you want a recipe. I make 10 minute home made mac and cheese that will leave you stary-eyed, and with a smile that won't go away biggrin

Hope you feel better about things in the morning.