God fuck
I'm pretty drunk... but in a nice way if you know what i mean
fuck it it's hard to type but my private school education is winning out at the moment.
Such a nice fucking day. I spent most of the day at Hyde Park. it's so nice, I could spend all my days there in the summer just skating around, chilling out and looking at all the sunkissed people.
I love it. i wish it was like this all year. I love being outside and the skating just makes me feel so much better.
Maybe I should become a fucking gardener or something.
I actually love being sweaty. I love the sweat after the sun. I love the sweat after fucking as well, i'm lucky i don't get the icky man smell either. maybe it's cos i wash every day.
Do you know that some people don't shower every day? Fucking hell they are stinky, I think it should be be law. I like that sweaty clean smell. And if you're not sweating after sex i don't think you're doing it right. You need to be losing all your liquids people!! I fucking mean it.
I'm bronzing. I love my colour. I'm making fun of pale skin whities at the moment. I want to go to Thailand! I want to be able to stay outside all the day and then in the night just hang out in the night markets, eat some lovely thai market food and just be able to walk around half naked. I love it.
We all wear too many clothes and everybody should be half-naked, I won't say half naked because some people look nassty in the nude. i have no idea what you suicide girls look like naked really. Most of the time you are photo shopped like the shit. So I look the sets and say 'haha, that's so photoshopped, i can't tell if that lady has nice skin or not because they look like fucking magazine pin-ups!'
I should know, I worked at FHM for a bit. The reality is very different to what they look like really. Fuck it, if you had a crooked nose or scabby skin you could delete that completely!
But I would say the SG's I've met are really beautiful and lovely people. But if I've said I've liked you and got on with you, I'm honest, you're lovely people and I'm sad I can't hang out with you more. In another time another place you will be my best friends , but you're in a different plane - though i could say that about many people I encounter, it's just a fate thing.
I want to lie on a beach with everybody, with all the people that fancy each other fucking like no tomorrow. When I die I will demand it though everybody will be too old to do it,
Oh, and I would marry for a Visa because I don't believe in the sanctity of it. But if I marry properly I will marry for real. I'll rather be single than marry because society deems it so no matter what my parents say.
But I don't know if that will happen because I have such a messy unromantic brain at the moment,
I'm getting a headache now. Why don't hetrosexual guys look like gay guys? they are all beautiful and well turned out. I think girls should demand that their boyfriends should look beautiful otherwise what's the point? As gay looking as possible I would say. Hairy is nasty. Smooth is good. Though I'm probably saying that because my skin is apparently like a girls. Isn't that fucking weird? I don't want to be soft like a lady. I want manly skin.
I'm pretty drunk... but in a nice way if you know what i mean
fuck it it's hard to type but my private school education is winning out at the moment.
Such a nice fucking day. I spent most of the day at Hyde Park. it's so nice, I could spend all my days there in the summer just skating around, chilling out and looking at all the sunkissed people.
I love it. i wish it was like this all year. I love being outside and the skating just makes me feel so much better.
Maybe I should become a fucking gardener or something.
I actually love being sweaty. I love the sweat after the sun. I love the sweat after fucking as well, i'm lucky i don't get the icky man smell either. maybe it's cos i wash every day.
Do you know that some people don't shower every day? Fucking hell they are stinky, I think it should be be law. I like that sweaty clean smell. And if you're not sweating after sex i don't think you're doing it right. You need to be losing all your liquids people!! I fucking mean it.
I'm bronzing. I love my colour. I'm making fun of pale skin whities at the moment. I want to go to Thailand! I want to be able to stay outside all the day and then in the night just hang out in the night markets, eat some lovely thai market food and just be able to walk around half naked. I love it.
We all wear too many clothes and everybody should be half-naked, I won't say half naked because some people look nassty in the nude. i have no idea what you suicide girls look like naked really. Most of the time you are photo shopped like the shit. So I look the sets and say 'haha, that's so photoshopped, i can't tell if that lady has nice skin or not because they look like fucking magazine pin-ups!'
I should know, I worked at FHM for a bit. The reality is very different to what they look like really. Fuck it, if you had a crooked nose or scabby skin you could delete that completely!
But I would say the SG's I've met are really beautiful and lovely people. But if I've said I've liked you and got on with you, I'm honest, you're lovely people and I'm sad I can't hang out with you more. In another time another place you will be my best friends , but you're in a different plane - though i could say that about many people I encounter, it's just a fate thing.
I want to lie on a beach with everybody, with all the people that fancy each other fucking like no tomorrow. When I die I will demand it though everybody will be too old to do it,
Oh, and I would marry for a Visa because I don't believe in the sanctity of it. But if I marry properly I will marry for real. I'll rather be single than marry because society deems it so no matter what my parents say.
But I don't know if that will happen because I have such a messy unromantic brain at the moment,
I'm getting a headache now. Why don't hetrosexual guys look like gay guys? they are all beautiful and well turned out. I think girls should demand that their boyfriends should look beautiful otherwise what's the point? As gay looking as possible I would say. Hairy is nasty. Smooth is good. Though I'm probably saying that because my skin is apparently like a girls. Isn't that fucking weird? I don't want to be soft like a lady. I want manly skin.
i'm not around london 19th of august, cos i'm at beautiful days
but i am there from sat - week wed i think. going to sguk beach camping in the middle!
would you like to hang out in the park some day??
would be ace to syas