Today my "friend" tells me that he met someone who looks like me. I fucking hate that shit. No one looks like me. Trust me! I'm so fucking sick and tired of people saying that. And then when you see the person, their all busted. The only thing we have in common is that we both have ovaries (maybe). Also, I hate when people spell my name wrong AFTER I tell them how to spell it correctly. I've gotten mail from companies with whom I've singed up to be on their mailing list, and they STILL spell my name wrong. And while I'm telling them my name, they always make some stupid fucking joke; most of which I've heard before. One woman told me that my name was unusual. Was that supposed to be a fucking complement?
I HATE PEOPLE! ALL PEOPLE! I really do. When I say that people think I'm just angry, but nope, I can wake up in the morning and be saying the same damn thing. I HATE PEOPLE. I especially can't stand people who have to make comments or jokes about everything simply because they don't have anything of value to say. To top it all off their jokes are most often made about the least important aspect of the conversation.
I would go on but I'm giving myself a headache now. Goodbye.
I HATE PEOPLE! ALL PEOPLE! I really do. When I say that people think I'm just angry, but nope, I can wake up in the morning and be saying the same damn thing. I HATE PEOPLE. I especially can't stand people who have to make comments or jokes about everything simply because they don't have anything of value to say. To top it all off their jokes are most often made about the least important aspect of the conversation.
I would go on but I'm giving myself a headache now. Goodbye.
Im told all the time that i didn't spell my last name right.. and i just come back with "Ive had that name for 21 fucking years... i think ive mastered the spelling"
I don't hate people, I just seem to feel better when their not around.