Today I am feeling MUCH better. If I continue on this path I may be looking into doing a day trip to the Capital this weekend, weather permitting of course.
I just read the entry GloryBox about some things she bought for V-day and it made me think of something. Before I got sick I took a trip to the porn store, and instead of buying movies this time I finally decided to purchase my first vibrator. Upon entering the store I noticed the guy behind the counter checking me out. Mainly because I had my hair in pig tails and even when I'm dressed in business attire, I still look like I’m no older than 15. So, I walk around the store, taking notes, making comparisons, you know all the normal research people do at the porn store. (Side note: Have you ever noticed just how long it takes people to pick out porn? They'll walk around the store several times and inevitably end up right where at the section they came in for, the She Male filx.)
I make my selection and when I get to the counter the guy goes "Do you get carded a lot?" And I say "yea, I do. You'd be surprised JUST how old I am." He goes "Well now that your closer I can see your maturity." So I'm looking around at all the various lubes and condoms they have in little bargain bins, trying to make sure I've got everything I'll need for this little adventure and the guy goes, "You try one of these before?" as he waved around the vibrator. I told him "no" and he continued to look over the package and noticed that batteries were not included, so he got some down off the back wall and proceeded to insert them into the vibrator. Then he turns it on and puts it on my hand says, "Is this fast enough for you, is this what you like?" As I nodded my head yes, I couldn't help but feel kinda weird. I mean, is that normal? Have you ever had some one at the porn store insert batteries into a vibrator for you? It’s like if you went to buy a move and they go and pop it in so they can watch it with you. It was very strange. Needless to say my vibrator and I made it home safe and sound.

I just read the entry GloryBox about some things she bought for V-day and it made me think of something. Before I got sick I took a trip to the porn store, and instead of buying movies this time I finally decided to purchase my first vibrator. Upon entering the store I noticed the guy behind the counter checking me out. Mainly because I had my hair in pig tails and even when I'm dressed in business attire, I still look like I’m no older than 15. So, I walk around the store, taking notes, making comparisons, you know all the normal research people do at the porn store. (Side note: Have you ever noticed just how long it takes people to pick out porn? They'll walk around the store several times and inevitably end up right where at the section they came in for, the She Male filx.)
I make my selection and when I get to the counter the guy goes "Do you get carded a lot?" And I say "yea, I do. You'd be surprised JUST how old I am." He goes "Well now that your closer I can see your maturity." So I'm looking around at all the various lubes and condoms they have in little bargain bins, trying to make sure I've got everything I'll need for this little adventure and the guy goes, "You try one of these before?" as he waved around the vibrator. I told him "no" and he continued to look over the package and noticed that batteries were not included, so he got some down off the back wall and proceeded to insert them into the vibrator. Then he turns it on and puts it on my hand says, "Is this fast enough for you, is this what you like?" As I nodded my head yes, I couldn't help but feel kinda weird. I mean, is that normal? Have you ever had some one at the porn store insert batteries into a vibrator for you? It’s like if you went to buy a move and they go and pop it in so they can watch it with you. It was very strange. Needless to say my vibrator and I made it home safe and sound.
Luckily he didn't ask you to demo it right there!