todays Question Of The Day will blow your fucking mind! meeting next week maybe to start on my sleeve hopfully? heeeeeeeeeeeere we go again beer o clock. welp its friday and time to party. filmed last night till fkn 3 am FML. worth it tho. o also did the first photo shoot for the comic
went good many more to come. had an interview today went good fingers crossed.. ganna game for a bit here then head to the gym and theeeeen party like a fkn rockstar lol bday this weekend wooo anyway lots of love tty guys monday
well this probs wont blow your mind but mabes get u thinkin
if peace is achieved through was is that just? does the end justify the means?
i think it does. my family name motto is " give me peace or prepare for war " if in the end one million ppl are saved then yes a few deaths are acceptable

well this probs wont blow your mind but mabes get u thinkin
if peace is achieved through was is that just? does the end justify the means?
i think it does. my family name motto is " give me peace or prepare for war " if in the end one million ppl are saved then yes a few deaths are acceptable