QOTD is just for guys today( sorry ladies ) ill have one for girls tomorrow
QOTD is AT the end of blog as per usual.
i think my spine is brokeded lol horrible lower back pain no idea why. i meant to get up early but fkn ( lol butt fkn) slept in. last night went well one of our crew wasnt going to make it which sucked cuz he was in film last night but he showed up. got it all filmed and found out he wasnt micd well lol o well still got some sweet footage. today fuck im sore probs ganna take it easy at the gym. we are going to a show tonight to film, sum local artists. then head back to studio and film sum more.
when the show airs ill put sum stuff up. wont be for awhile cuz we have to film 13 erpisodes before any air.
anywhoo i got to do some laundry i will ttyl SGLAND
ok guys this questions came up last night with the guys would you rather have a woman with no ass and perfect tits or zero tits and perfect ass?
let me know in a comment down below
im a boob man and i dont mean small boobs i meant zero like none just nipple lol

i think my spine is brokeded lol horrible lower back pain no idea why. i meant to get up early but fkn ( lol butt fkn) slept in. last night went well one of our crew wasnt going to make it which sucked cuz he was in film last night but he showed up. got it all filmed and found out he wasnt micd well lol o well still got some sweet footage. today fuck im sore probs ganna take it easy at the gym. we are going to a show tonight to film, sum local artists. then head back to studio and film sum more.
when the show airs ill put sum stuff up. wont be for awhile cuz we have to film 13 erpisodes before any air.
anywhoo i got to do some laundry i will ttyl SGLAND
ok guys this questions came up last night with the guys would you rather have a woman with no ass and perfect tits or zero tits and perfect ass?
let me know in a comment down below
im a boob man and i dont mean small boobs i meant zero like none just nipple lol