i'm back. Yes i'm back. just forgot my keys... nah not really. i love you all.. i just wanna be friends... lol
So what ya all bin upto? I havnt bin online for ages. thought i'd pop on and see how you all are doing.
Did ya hav a good new years? get what you wanted for xmas? i didnt... so i just went and brought it anyway lol
my new years i spent working at 9am on new years day. oh well. my mates thru me a beach party the following weekend in the lounge. we all wore summer clothes, they put up a tent in the lounge, and a fake fire thingy outside it. was great.
and i got my brother to drive down for aux to drink with us. So i took him to town and showed him all the sluty bars... went home at about 2am lol.
How the hell are all of you?
- AsH
i'm back. Yes i'm back. just forgot my keys... nah not really. i love you all.. i just wanna be friends... lol
So what ya all bin upto? I havnt bin online for ages. thought i'd pop on and see how you all are doing.
Did ya hav a good new years? get what you wanted for xmas? i didnt... so i just went and brought it anyway lol
my new years i spent working at 9am on new years day. oh well. my mates thru me a beach party the following weekend in the lounge. we all wore summer clothes, they put up a tent in the lounge, and a fake fire thingy outside it. was great.
How the hell are all of you?
- AsH
what have u bin upto?
I haven't had big night out in a while maybe gota hit tha Hams bars before leave
Usually chill at Sekure/Loft