hey everyone.
I hope you all are doing better than I am..
I can't get away from being sick!! =/ whyyy.
So I went to the doctor [gyno] the other day because I was having excrutiating cramps and all that jazz which isn't related to my menstrual cycle what-so-ever, so I decided that the pain was too much to bear and caved in and went to the doctor. Well I go there to find out I have two more cysts, I already had one in my left breast already. so now I have two in my left boobie and one on my ovary, which she said "happens all the time" ...so I am supposed to schedule an appointment with a surgeon and to get more ultrasounds done. god what do they think..that I am made of money?? $_$ I don't think so... then I leave without any information about the cramps that I have been having. ahh what a dumb ass.
The next day rolls around and I am in pain again but my mom hooked me up with a vicodin, so I was able to get through it. Woke up the next day, went to work and was fine all day. Get home and BAM! there they are again..but this time I had no pain killers or anything. My mom made me call my gyno which then said to go to the ER. ok. I go. They take blood, give me a shot in my ass for pain and send me to xrays. My doc told me to get an ultrasound but they wouldn't give one to me. They still haven't which is probably what they need to do but NooOo they won't listen to me bc I don't know anything about medicine. blallaksfjl. They send me on my merry way and I get home at about 3:00 am. Take a medication they give me and wake up the next mourning puking bc the Napoxin they gave me made me sick. so now what...
call the doctor again...they send in another prescription..which costs more money...that I don't have.
today I woke up feeling like I have the worst head cold. Sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, coughing up mucus, and being congested. when will it end?
My boss's at work are getting mad but what am I going to do? I can't help that I am sick. I am pissed because I don't understand why I don't feel good. If I knew why I felt like shit I would try to get better. but I don't know!
my job can fuck off right now for all I care. jeez.
I guess I will spend my saturday night like ever other saturday night. Laying in bed. Watching movies. or some dumb crap. I need to file my taxes. blehhh.
ashley darko
I hope you all are doing better than I am..
I can't get away from being sick!! =/ whyyy.
So I went to the doctor [gyno] the other day because I was having excrutiating cramps and all that jazz which isn't related to my menstrual cycle what-so-ever, so I decided that the pain was too much to bear and caved in and went to the doctor. Well I go there to find out I have two more cysts, I already had one in my left breast already. so now I have two in my left boobie and one on my ovary, which she said "happens all the time" ...so I am supposed to schedule an appointment with a surgeon and to get more ultrasounds done. god what do they think..that I am made of money?? $_$ I don't think so... then I leave without any information about the cramps that I have been having. ahh what a dumb ass.
The next day rolls around and I am in pain again but my mom hooked me up with a vicodin, so I was able to get through it. Woke up the next day, went to work and was fine all day. Get home and BAM! there they are again..but this time I had no pain killers or anything. My mom made me call my gyno which then said to go to the ER. ok. I go. They take blood, give me a shot in my ass for pain and send me to xrays. My doc told me to get an ultrasound but they wouldn't give one to me. They still haven't which is probably what they need to do but NooOo they won't listen to me bc I don't know anything about medicine. blallaksfjl. They send me on my merry way and I get home at about 3:00 am. Take a medication they give me and wake up the next mourning puking bc the Napoxin they gave me made me sick. so now what...
call the doctor again...they send in another prescription..which costs more money...that I don't have.
today I woke up feeling like I have the worst head cold. Sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, coughing up mucus, and being congested. when will it end?
My boss's at work are getting mad but what am I going to do? I can't help that I am sick. I am pissed because I don't understand why I don't feel good. If I knew why I felt like shit I would try to get better. but I don't know!
my job can fuck off right now for all I care. jeez.
I guess I will spend my saturday night like ever other saturday night. Laying in bed. Watching movies. or some dumb crap. I need to file my taxes. blehhh.
ashley darko

If I dont find something soon then I will be totally fucked. Its killing me not having a job.
I hope he find a job soon.