ok so i decided what my two most expensive tattoos are going to be! one is a fairy from amybrownart.com. she crawls along this rose and shes so hot. I want her on the small of my back and she'll go till almost the middle and then her wings will go to my shoulder blades, so her wings are kinda my wings effect, uts hard to explain but if youre really intrested its on amybrownart.com called wildrose, its fawking hot!
the second is my 1/2 sleeve, which is a collection of hawaiian flowers. It was kinda inspired by a girl on here, but i dont know her pen name right now so ya.... you wont know who, but im not getting that till i am IN hawiia within this year. Im SO HAPPY about them! i went shoppin today and scored some $5 shades from GAP kids, with little dimonds, their adorible.