My heart jumped out of my body today... I feel an extreme array of emotions right now... and holy fuck....

I cant tell if Im crying for happiness right now.. or for anger.. or what... i think its a bit of both.. and just all out frustration...
Things have been interesting lately... being ignored is no fun at all.. It hurts.. but I guess when someone ignores you.. that is their intention.. to hurt you frown...

Today was a good day to start out with.. the first good day Ive had in a while.... the first sober day Ive had in a while.. I went out for lunch with my best friend.....
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he's ignoring you because he has found someone else. His heart is cold and he is not what you think he is.
you will be alright with out him, you dont need medication. Dont give him that much. You were too good to being with
The past few days, Ive been sort of down, doing alot of self reflection and whatnot... I bought an xbox today.. which is dopeness... DJVenom this weekend at a party which Im also excited for.. back to being antisocial now!
yesh! new peircings smile that makes me happy! The septum and the eyebrow were added to the collection yesterday..

man o man.. was I trashed last night..

Peppermint Schnapps... is evil.. especially when drank in large quantities... puke <~~~ was me this morning..

But now iM all better thank goodness!
3 more days!

Damnit, I was ALMOST better, after 2 weeks of being sick, and I woke up even more sick this morning frown Oh well, I was going to stay home tonight, and take it easy, but I have a friend who needs someone to hang out with, her boyfriend of over a year just left her about 10 minutes ago... So me and homegirl are going to...
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Im about to head down the street to grab some food from Benny's.. or maybe Tokyo Joes.. I cant decide.. really cheap pizza.. that fucking rocks! Or healthy japanese.. thats a bit more pricey.. but OH SO GOOD.. nummy.. eh fuck it.. Im going for the japanese! After all the fighting Ive done with a friend of mine today.. I deserve some good food.. I...
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If i considered myself single in the least.. I would totally want her.. but my hearts set on someone else

luv ya ash! *muah*

love So, I just joined SG...after like a year of lurking around the site... /drool..
welcome to the land of sg. it's a good place...
Welcome to SG!