the past few weeks have sucked.
my ass has been hurtin alot... it started out as jus a lil pain and then it got worse and now im on a shit load of pain meds and muscle relaxers kuz it might be sciatica
i really need to new computer kuz im gettin sick of doin shit on this comp and its sooooo slow! another shitty thing is i broke up with my bf kuz hes been an asshole and it wasn't gonna work anyways kuz he wasn't even tryin... oh well, his loss
there is one good thing thats gonna happen this week... im goin to new mexico on friday.... by my self! well the drive by my self but im stayin with my aunt and my nanny at some kinda resort. im soooo excited kuz i get to drive there all on my own and i've never gone that far by myself
i get to listen to my music as loud as i want and i don't have to hear my mom ever couple mins. i've always hated goin on trips with my mom kuz shes always bitchin about how she always needs to go to the bathroom and how i speed(i've only gotten one ticket from all my trips to and from texas and las vegas). i guess it will kinda suck kuz im gonna be sittin for 8 hours and my ass will be hurtin like hell.... hopefully they have jacuzis there
im gonna adopt one of my foster kittens when their able to be adopted. im gonna adopt the lil gray one, minka
i have pix on my camera but since my comp has been fried i can't get any pix on here... i lost the cord that goes with the camera
... i'll get em up here some how
my ass has been hurtin alot... it started out as jus a lil pain and then it got worse and now im on a shit load of pain meds and muscle relaxers kuz it might be sciatica

i really need to new computer kuz im gettin sick of doin shit on this comp and its sooooo slow! another shitty thing is i broke up with my bf kuz hes been an asshole and it wasn't gonna work anyways kuz he wasn't even tryin... oh well, his loss
there is one good thing thats gonna happen this week... im goin to new mexico on friday.... by my self! well the drive by my self but im stayin with my aunt and my nanny at some kinda resort. im soooo excited kuz i get to drive there all on my own and i've never gone that far by myself

im gonna adopt one of my foster kittens when their able to be adopted. im gonna adopt the lil gray one, minka