Today is a sad and blue day. It's super cold here in columbus ohio way more than it should be! and I can feel winter coming on us strong. And that makes me sad. I better hurry and find a nice garden to take a set at or i might have to wait a whole more year before taking my fav theme i thought of. But not all hope is lost. the fall light is PPEERRFFEECCTT for outside fun! WInter too OOO!! BUT still sad * mew *
because i hate winter
days are too short and it make me sad involuntarily
UNLESS! i become a suicide girl I woulkd not care about days or nights. Another thing why i am sad is because I cant figure out how i can make it to either or cleve or cinci burlesque. the even more fucked up part is i cant figure out how to even purchase the damn tickets if i wanted to go or not. ticket master isnt letting me or saying theyre even available. wtf.
some one help i want the highest vip ill take greyhound if i have to