ok, soooooo I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!! lol it was pretty cool how we were introduced too. i went to a wedding to help a friend. we are both photographers/journalist/broadcast and she wanted help doing a wedding. there was NOT A SINGLE CUTE DAMN BRIDES MADE THAT WAS SINGLE and i was like WTF?!? LMAO! you sooooo owe me big time for this. hahaha there was one girl i thought was really cute but she there were so many guys there i thought she was with one of them cuz she was the mother of the cutest little flower girl. well they drug her out onto the floor for the bouquet toss and i was thought "cha-ching!!". well, her daughter grabbed my hand and started dancing around with me so i took her out on the dance floor for a couple of songs. (she is four btw, and if you have my Facebook u can see the pics of her) she is amazing. 'LOVE HER!!' she wouldn't let go of my hand and she walked straight over to her mom. well, we introduced ourselves and were not apart for the rest of the night. fell for her big time. she's awesome. anyway. i'm super happy. hope all is well with everyone.

yay, congrats dude! cute story.
That is so sweet! How are things with your little lady?