last night mommie came out to play with her favorite toy: me. as we watched movies and smoked she fished (out of thin air it seems) my baby binky and fed it to me till i was suckling contentedly as she watched michael douglas and glenn close get intimate. once i overcame my initial surprise i quickly felt my masculinity slide away as i began to regress into my submissive role as her sweet baby girl. after the movie i made to get up to use the potty like a big boy. that was my mistake. i was no longer a big bad boy who could just use the toilet whenever he felt like it. i stopped in my tracks and looked guiltily at my mistress mommie who asked "where do you think you're going young lady?!" i blushed in shame and embarrasment. "uh....may i please go to the potty" i stammered out praying silently that she would be merciful. thankfully she noticed my quick turn-around and smiled. "does my baby need to go pee pee?" she teased. i nodded and repeated the emasculating phrase. i DID have to go....badly. she agreed that i could use the potty as long as i sat down and pissed like a little girl. i asked her if she wanted to check up on me to make sure i did it correctly and then pulled my pants down and squatted like a little girl to relieve myself. unfortunately the humiliation of being dominated and controlled had given me a raging hardon....and it is extremely difficult for me to piss when i'm hard. i was sure that she knew this and the only thing i was more sure of was the punishment i'd recieve if i didn't piss like i said i needed to. i looked up and saw my mommie leaning against the door jamb with a lustful gleam in her eyes. this is the most horrible part because i actually blushed. deep pink. i blushed like a little schoolgirl. my bladder packed it's bags and absolutely refused to go while i was being so closely scrutinized. the really embarrasing thing about this is that i take pride in being able to piss anywhere in any circumstance. now here i was in a helpless position not able to do the bodily function i had begged to be allowed to perform just minutes before. mommie was starting to tire of my disobedience and threatened to revoke all potty use for 24 hours unless i did it right then. i knew that there was no way i'd hold it for that long and i'd end up wetting the bed and then getting a real beating for that mess. so i concentrated everything i had and finally a hot stream of piss came out of me and splashed noisily against the porcelein. god it felt good. i began spurting larger streams until finally my floodgates burst and i went pee pee for my mommie. the humiliation combined with the desperation made each spurt orgasmic....till i thought just peeing would make me cum all messy into the toilet bowl. i took a pad of toilet paper and wiped myself down and then followed mommie back into our bedroom.
the next thing i was told to do was to close my eyes with my back to our closet. once i did i felt my cock stir...i had no idea what was going to happen. part of me expected pain, another part expected torturous pleasure, and yet another part feared complete disregard. i waited there.....and then felt the straps of some silkyish nightgowny item press gently against my shoulders. i shuddered as my mommie held whatever it was against me like i was a dumb mute manakin. i was so excited i could hardly stand it. but i did...i stood obediently and as still as possible as she held it against me. finally she told me to take my shirt off. i did feeling the cool air of the bedroom shift lightly over my already hardening nipples. my pants were the next to go. the next feeling i experienced was heavenly as the garment was lowered down onto me; briefly i felt it settle down and swish it's satin fabric around my engorged member and across my trembling back. this tease was divine and i was ready to go anywhere my mommie said. i felt so loved and used, a pretty dolly that made my mommie excited. being struck of my sight added a whole new level of excitement. all i had to work with were sounds and textures. i had no idea what i was wearing, what it looked like, how ridiculous i appeared, or what color it was. i always say that the imagination is the most erotic zone in the body and i firmlyl believe it now. the next sound i heard was the warm up chimes of her digital camera. i didn't think i could blush any deeper but i found myself turning a new shade of pink while she calmly clicked off a half dozen pictures of me lying down in all of my sissy glory. after a few pictures she told me to start playing with my nipples and then to take one tit out and to play with it while i gently teased the head of my cock with "butterfly fingers". the contrast of hard nipple twists and soft cock-brushing was torture and i loved it. finally mommie wanted to see her slave-girl cum on camera and i switched nipples and asked to have my asshole played with. mommie didn't grant me that pleasure due to the fact that i hadn't showered and that my ass was very dirty and that dirty sluts didn't deserve to get their slutty holes serviced. as she degraded me and told me i'd have to take a rag to my asshole before i was allowed back into her bedchamber i proceeded to have one of the hardest, loudest, longest orgasms of my submissive life. after i completely soiled myself she took the silky garment off of me and then took me into the bathroom. i wanted to take a shower but she wasn't going to let me get off that easily. she handed me a rag and made sure i got my asshole completely clean. she watched closely as i spread my asscheeks and inspected my messy place in great detail in the mirror. finally i was done and my binky was returned to me. i suckled it as she spooned me asleep.
i love my mommie. this journal entry is my way of showing her what an obedient little whore i am for her and how she knows what is good for me. i am her sweet little girlie and she can do with me as she sees fit to do.
Sweet Sissy Bitch Britney
the next thing i was told to do was to close my eyes with my back to our closet. once i did i felt my cock stir...i had no idea what was going to happen. part of me expected pain, another part expected torturous pleasure, and yet another part feared complete disregard. i waited there.....and then felt the straps of some silkyish nightgowny item press gently against my shoulders. i shuddered as my mommie held whatever it was against me like i was a dumb mute manakin. i was so excited i could hardly stand it. but i did...i stood obediently and as still as possible as she held it against me. finally she told me to take my shirt off. i did feeling the cool air of the bedroom shift lightly over my already hardening nipples. my pants were the next to go. the next feeling i experienced was heavenly as the garment was lowered down onto me; briefly i felt it settle down and swish it's satin fabric around my engorged member and across my trembling back. this tease was divine and i was ready to go anywhere my mommie said. i felt so loved and used, a pretty dolly that made my mommie excited. being struck of my sight added a whole new level of excitement. all i had to work with were sounds and textures. i had no idea what i was wearing, what it looked like, how ridiculous i appeared, or what color it was. i always say that the imagination is the most erotic zone in the body and i firmlyl believe it now. the next sound i heard was the warm up chimes of her digital camera. i didn't think i could blush any deeper but i found myself turning a new shade of pink while she calmly clicked off a half dozen pictures of me lying down in all of my sissy glory. after a few pictures she told me to start playing with my nipples and then to take one tit out and to play with it while i gently teased the head of my cock with "butterfly fingers". the contrast of hard nipple twists and soft cock-brushing was torture and i loved it. finally mommie wanted to see her slave-girl cum on camera and i switched nipples and asked to have my asshole played with. mommie didn't grant me that pleasure due to the fact that i hadn't showered and that my ass was very dirty and that dirty sluts didn't deserve to get their slutty holes serviced. as she degraded me and told me i'd have to take a rag to my asshole before i was allowed back into her bedchamber i proceeded to have one of the hardest, loudest, longest orgasms of my submissive life. after i completely soiled myself she took the silky garment off of me and then took me into the bathroom. i wanted to take a shower but she wasn't going to let me get off that easily. she handed me a rag and made sure i got my asshole completely clean. she watched closely as i spread my asscheeks and inspected my messy place in great detail in the mirror. finally i was done and my binky was returned to me. i suckled it as she spooned me asleep.
i love my mommie. this journal entry is my way of showing her what an obedient little whore i am for her and how she knows what is good for me. i am her sweet little girlie and she can do with me as she sees fit to do.
Sweet Sissy Bitch Britney
Rock on.