okay. so i've been here for a few days. today rita, nicole's mother, has dropped by to do the dishes. it's easy to hitchhike on her zealous energy and do a bit of unpacking myself. at least the living room doesn't look like so much of a warzone anymore. yay! tonight we eat out at the cheesecake factory. i hope it goes well. i'm trying my absolute best to be a good mediator and friend. i feel like i'm wearing a lot of hats while simultaneously doing almost nothing. it's a weird and unique postion. i think i like it.
i am convinced that i've made the right decision. being here feels natural. i feel like my roots are settling into fertile soil. i can feel myself getting stronger here. a lot of beliefs are being tested but i know that with nicole at my side i can overcome any test.

i am convinced that i've made the right decision. being here feels natural. i feel like my roots are settling into fertile soil. i can feel myself getting stronger here. a lot of beliefs are being tested but i know that with nicole at my side i can overcome any test.