So last year, I wrote a book that was sort of my answer to writing a different kind of Atlantis story, about a young woman who finds out she's the heir to Atlantis and has to stop her war-mongering aunt and isolationist father from either killing each other, or starting a war with the surface. One reviewer said "Arthur Curry's got nothing on this girl," and I was really proud of that--a reviewer said Echo is cooler than Aquaman!
And then the Aquaman trailer landed yesterday, and it looks like it has *the same plot as my book.* Now, I fully subscribe to the theory that all stories have a ton of DNA in common and similarities between stories are because the human brain works the same way, not because anyone's stealing any ideas, so I actually think this is hilarious, rather than being angry. Aside from, of course, realizing that because Aquaman has the plot of my book, my book will never get a development deal, but I've got lots of books. That's fine.
Here's why I'm freaking out. I have that line from the review, "Arthur Curry's got nothing on this girl," on my marketing signage for the summer's comic con circuit. And my first show of the summer is Boston Comic Con. WHERE JASON MOMOA IS GOING TO BE.
So basically I've got signage quoting a review poking fun at Aquaman when FUCKING AQUAMAN IS GOING TO BE THERE. And I've been at shows where Momoa attends. Dude wanders. He likes to get out on the floor, down in Artist Alley, see the sites. He looks like a pretty rad guy. HE MAY SEE MY SIGN MAKING FUN OF HIM.
Either this is going to be the greatest photo op in the history of photo ops, or Jason Momoa is going to kick my ass. Either way... worth it.