My publisher just let me know that my first novel, the Indestructibles, is having a huge sale the next two weeks, only $2.99 instead of the usual $9.99 for the e-book. If the idea of a group of teenaged heroes, including a solar-powered girl, a ballerina vigilante, a werewolf with confidence problems, a boy with an alien sharing his brain, and a Whovian with a black hole where here heart should be captures your interest, now's a great time to give the series a test read. Book 4 is scheduled to publish end of May!
It's a pretty fun read, I think (okay, I'm biased, but check out the reviews!).
I discovered your series through a post in the Writers Group and then came here and found this blog. Which led me to purchase all of the books about two hours ago, I just finished the first one and wanted to say that it is awesome. Thank you for writing it.
@daiv42 - thanks for checking them out (and especially for letting me know you were reading them). I'm having a blast writing them, so I'm psyched whenever I hear someone actualy enjoys reading them. Really appreciate the encouragement!