"I just love your stuff, you're just so cool, you're just I mean I love your stuff and you're great. You're great. I'm leaving now. Right now. Because it got weird, I made it weird."
A dramatic reading of when I ran into Christopher Uminga at Boston Comic Con today. I'm allegedly a professional. I mean, I have a booth and readers and stuff. I should, hypothetically, not fanboy out when I meet an artist I think is amazing. But nope! Nope. Can't be cool. Have to fanboy.
I'm just glad I didn't run into Billie Piper or Hayley Atwell. I would have squeed like a 13 year old girl. Squee. Seriously.
I feel like nothing can prepare you for meeting one of your idols; the brain can't process them being real
@soraleia Yeah, I always panic. When I'm working conventions some celebrity or another walks by and I end up being a complete dork. Last year it was Jewel Staite from Firefly. I just looked at the floor and blushed.