I yanked this from my friend's myspace bulletin. Got me thinking, so I thought I'd write about it here since I'm usually more in dept on things here.
Most recent pic of me.
Me then
Who was your best friend?
Dana and Jewell
Did you have a crush on anyone?
Let me think... wait yeah. And he liked me back, but nothing really came from it because he was like three years older and I was really good friends with his brother.
What sport did you play?
None at that time. I had quit basketball and track the year before.
Did you buy your lunch?
Yeah, if blue skettles and sprite count as lunch. I always felt kinda crappy then, so I usually didn't eat lunch.
Did you skip?
Eh, played hookie some. The next year though, I had a car, so yeah. Actually I only really skipped like two times and both were to take my friend to the doctor because her parents weren't around much to take her.
Did you get suspended?
no. never. almost did once that year for playing with a cigarette lighter and a coke can in algebra when we had a sub. But my teacher was cool as hell, and didn't do anything other then tell me " I really should get you in trouble for this, but I know that you're really a good kid and just don't do it again,"
Were you in any fist fights?
No. Everyone thougth I was a psyco path and no one dared fuck with me to my face. Well, just Josh. It was more of a "I want you" and "I hate you" back and forth. Looking back it was kinda hot. We had that from age 11 until he moved off when we were 17. Aw, I miss that guy. I probably would still kinda want him.
What was your favorite class?
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I liked all my classes that year. All my teachers were good and actually gave a shit about kids learning something.
What was your school's name?
DeQueen Middle School.
If you could go back would you?
Hmm. Maybe. I would go back to the year after in a heartbeat. 16 is when I like to think my life as I have it now began. I'm not saying that I'm not happy with the way things turned out. Okay, no one's ever completely happy. But I think I would have done more of what I already did, ya know? Grabbed that guy a little harder, a little more. Told him things I know he knew, but that I should have said. I doubt anything would have changed, but I would feel a lot better about it now.
Where did you sit at lunch?
With all of Momma Jackie's adopted kids. All the people that would go to Jewell's on the weekends. Not all of them where my friends, but most of them were.
Who was your science teacher freshman year?
Mr. Dykes. One of the coolest and smartest people I've ever came across. I failed his class miserably because it was Psyical Science and math kicks my ass. But he knew that and told my parents he knew I was a very smart person, but yeah, I had problems.
Who was your English teacher?
Mrs. Blaire. She was a wonderful teacher and a beautiful human being. That being said, that's why she got hell from most of the people that had her as a teacher, because she was determined to do her job. I like to think she helped me become the writter that I am.
She also took fablous pictures of about every happening that went on that year, and not just of the "popular" ass kissers, but everyone. I've still have some of the ones she took of me and my friends and later gave me at the end of the year.
Who was your history teacher?
I didn't have history, I had American Goverment with Mrs. Smith. Yeah, she was a little bit of a nutter. But she was also another of the fab teachers that year that actually saw me for me.
Did you think you were cool?
Who the fuck knows. I guess. But not in the convential I'm a herpies sporting ho sort of way.
Describe your outfits in ninth grade?
Pony tails, grease stained tanks, chains, leather, boots, jeans with holes in them. Not too much has changed except for I'm not afraid to be a woman. I was so afraid of being seen as a weak little thing that was an object to be used and and thrown away. I mean, I didn't put up a front but I guess I put up my walls heavier and higher then I do now. I'll still throw down and kick your ass, but I think I've found a happy middle in that strenght and softness.
Did you even have a cellphone?
Not of my own. I got my parents' on the weekends.
Who was your favorite teacher?
They were all pretty awsome.
What's your most memorable moment?
I'll not be a downer and say September 11th, because, yeah that was pretty memorable. That year was a pretty memorable one for a lot of reasons actually. Guys started to notice me, I got my first secret girl crush, on and on.
What action do you regret the most?
Not ever actually having anything going on with Josh. Okay, so maybe I dated his childhood best friend at one point in time. But even though yeah, nothing probably would have come of it and it never would have been out in the open, I know it would have been a kick as time. Not really a regret, just a "man, that would have been fun,"
What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?
At Jewell's or Dana's. Up at my grandma's playing in the shop. At the money spending too much money on crap pizza and racing games.
Did you make any lifelong friendships?
Eh.... I'm pretty sure most the people I was friends with then I was friends with before or knew them pretty well before hand.
Got invited to any proms?
No. Never. I didn't even go when I was able to in 11th and 12th.
How many years was this to remember back to?
Eh, its kinda stupid I know. But doesn't every one kinda miss being a kid every now and again.
I want to know something too. Ya know how I posted about if I try to look good I think I look more crappy for some reason. Well, I haven't really been trying lately. I mean, the basics. But no real make up (mostly because I got sunburnt on my nose), just brushing my hair, not fixing it, a loose sundress and flip flops.
And I've been hit on like a mother fucker? What the hell? People waving at me in traffic. Truckers showing signs on the interstate saying " U R Purdy".....okay, I acted like I didn't see that one and sped up cuz it was creepy. And the kicker? I got propsitioned to by this this smoking hot latino guy covered in tattoos. I said no, but damn if that isn't one of my weaknesses.
So, yeah, I'm feeling pretty decent about me. Apparently disheavled me is hot.

Who was your best friend?
Dana and Jewell
Did you have a crush on anyone?
Let me think... wait yeah. And he liked me back, but nothing really came from it because he was like three years older and I was really good friends with his brother.
What sport did you play?
None at that time. I had quit basketball and track the year before.
Did you buy your lunch?
Yeah, if blue skettles and sprite count as lunch. I always felt kinda crappy then, so I usually didn't eat lunch.
Did you skip?
Eh, played hookie some. The next year though, I had a car, so yeah. Actually I only really skipped like two times and both were to take my friend to the doctor because her parents weren't around much to take her.
Did you get suspended?
no. never. almost did once that year for playing with a cigarette lighter and a coke can in algebra when we had a sub. But my teacher was cool as hell, and didn't do anything other then tell me " I really should get you in trouble for this, but I know that you're really a good kid and just don't do it again,"
Were you in any fist fights?
No. Everyone thougth I was a psyco path and no one dared fuck with me to my face. Well, just Josh. It was more of a "I want you" and "I hate you" back and forth. Looking back it was kinda hot. We had that from age 11 until he moved off when we were 17. Aw, I miss that guy. I probably would still kinda want him.
What was your favorite class?
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I liked all my classes that year. All my teachers were good and actually gave a shit about kids learning something.
What was your school's name?
DeQueen Middle School.
If you could go back would you?
Hmm. Maybe. I would go back to the year after in a heartbeat. 16 is when I like to think my life as I have it now began. I'm not saying that I'm not happy with the way things turned out. Okay, no one's ever completely happy. But I think I would have done more of what I already did, ya know? Grabbed that guy a little harder, a little more. Told him things I know he knew, but that I should have said. I doubt anything would have changed, but I would feel a lot better about it now.
Where did you sit at lunch?
With all of Momma Jackie's adopted kids. All the people that would go to Jewell's on the weekends. Not all of them where my friends, but most of them were.
Who was your science teacher freshman year?
Mr. Dykes. One of the coolest and smartest people I've ever came across. I failed his class miserably because it was Psyical Science and math kicks my ass. But he knew that and told my parents he knew I was a very smart person, but yeah, I had problems.
Who was your English teacher?
Mrs. Blaire. She was a wonderful teacher and a beautiful human being. That being said, that's why she got hell from most of the people that had her as a teacher, because she was determined to do her job. I like to think she helped me become the writter that I am.
She also took fablous pictures of about every happening that went on that year, and not just of the "popular" ass kissers, but everyone. I've still have some of the ones she took of me and my friends and later gave me at the end of the year.
Who was your history teacher?
I didn't have history, I had American Goverment with Mrs. Smith. Yeah, she was a little bit of a nutter. But she was also another of the fab teachers that year that actually saw me for me.
Did you think you were cool?
Who the fuck knows. I guess. But not in the convential I'm a herpies sporting ho sort of way.
Describe your outfits in ninth grade?
Pony tails, grease stained tanks, chains, leather, boots, jeans with holes in them. Not too much has changed except for I'm not afraid to be a woman. I was so afraid of being seen as a weak little thing that was an object to be used and and thrown away. I mean, I didn't put up a front but I guess I put up my walls heavier and higher then I do now. I'll still throw down and kick your ass, but I think I've found a happy middle in that strenght and softness.
Did you even have a cellphone?
Not of my own. I got my parents' on the weekends.
Who was your favorite teacher?
They were all pretty awsome.
What's your most memorable moment?
I'll not be a downer and say September 11th, because, yeah that was pretty memorable. That year was a pretty memorable one for a lot of reasons actually. Guys started to notice me, I got my first secret girl crush, on and on.
What action do you regret the most?
Not ever actually having anything going on with Josh. Okay, so maybe I dated his childhood best friend at one point in time. But even though yeah, nothing probably would have come of it and it never would have been out in the open, I know it would have been a kick as time. Not really a regret, just a "man, that would have been fun,"
What did you spend the most time doing on weekends?
At Jewell's or Dana's. Up at my grandma's playing in the shop. At the money spending too much money on crap pizza and racing games.
Did you make any lifelong friendships?
Eh.... I'm pretty sure most the people I was friends with then I was friends with before or knew them pretty well before hand.
Got invited to any proms?
No. Never. I didn't even go when I was able to in 11th and 12th.
How many years was this to remember back to?
Eh, its kinda stupid I know. But doesn't every one kinda miss being a kid every now and again.
I want to know something too. Ya know how I posted about if I try to look good I think I look more crappy for some reason. Well, I haven't really been trying lately. I mean, the basics. But no real make up (mostly because I got sunburnt on my nose), just brushing my hair, not fixing it, a loose sundress and flip flops.
And I've been hit on like a mother fucker? What the hell? People waving at me in traffic. Truckers showing signs on the interstate saying " U R Purdy".....okay, I acted like I didn't see that one and sped up cuz it was creepy. And the kicker? I got propsitioned to by this this smoking hot latino guy covered in tattoos. I said no, but damn if that isn't one of my weaknesses.
So, yeah, I'm feeling pretty decent about me. Apparently disheavled me is hot.