The greatest thing abt hitting rock bottom is the fact that everything from there on out is an improvement from your current situation!
I got an interveiw (tomorrow) for a position that would earn me *three times* the highest amount Ive ever been paid in my whole life. I was so scared to call the dude back. I didnt want the dream to end. I still dont, really! Ha! But this morning I checked my email .. and I received 4 more offers for interveiws making around the same!! So now I can at least relax when I walk into the interveiw and not be overly nervous abt gettin the job. Im ten times more confident!
Job hunting is so fuckin hard, man. I never thought Id qualify for a position that makes that much ... but I guess when you wont settle for anything less, things CAN happen! Im acting like Im worth that much ... so therefor .. I guess Im worth that much!
My wallet was stolen/lost, couldnt have happened at a worse time! I had one employer flat out tell me that if I dont have my SS card and ID that he cant hire me. ARGH!!! It takes 2-3 weeks to get another SS card sent!
I saw the cutest ferret I have EVER seen at the pet store that I got kicked out of yesterday, lol! My ferret has turned into a little BITCH, man! She's pure evil, but I love her so goddamn much. The ferret I saw was cream colored and orange-ish, kinda like this one:
I let the staff know that the ferrets were out of food, and they got an attitude with me and told me "theyre fine ... they've eaten already today" then proceeded to tell me I needed to leave because I had a beverage. I said "but it's a closed bottle!" and they didnt care, I still had to fuckin leave!! There really was NO reason for me to have to leave ... its not like I had an open container that would spill or anything, they just wanted to be dickheads because I busted them not takin care of their animals, bastards. I was so pissed!!
~How often have u had to drug test for a job?
~If you were making enough money at your current position, but it wasnt exactly what you were *passionate* abt ... would you take a lower pay rate or go back to school in order to obtain the job of your dreams?
~Would it make u mad if your spouse made more than you? How abt your best friend? How abt your pet? lol
~Have u ever flipped out in public before? explain
and remember kids ... drugs, not hugs!!

I got an interveiw (tomorrow) for a position that would earn me *three times* the highest amount Ive ever been paid in my whole life. I was so scared to call the dude back. I didnt want the dream to end. I still dont, really! Ha! But this morning I checked my email .. and I received 4 more offers for interveiws making around the same!! So now I can at least relax when I walk into the interveiw and not be overly nervous abt gettin the job. Im ten times more confident!
Job hunting is so fuckin hard, man. I never thought Id qualify for a position that makes that much ... but I guess when you wont settle for anything less, things CAN happen! Im acting like Im worth that much ... so therefor .. I guess Im worth that much!

My wallet was stolen/lost, couldnt have happened at a worse time! I had one employer flat out tell me that if I dont have my SS card and ID that he cant hire me. ARGH!!! It takes 2-3 weeks to get another SS card sent!
I saw the cutest ferret I have EVER seen at the pet store that I got kicked out of yesterday, lol! My ferret has turned into a little BITCH, man! She's pure evil, but I love her so goddamn much. The ferret I saw was cream colored and orange-ish, kinda like this one:

I let the staff know that the ferrets were out of food, and they got an attitude with me and told me "theyre fine ... they've eaten already today" then proceeded to tell me I needed to leave because I had a beverage. I said "but it's a closed bottle!" and they didnt care, I still had to fuckin leave!! There really was NO reason for me to have to leave ... its not like I had an open container that would spill or anything, they just wanted to be dickheads because I busted them not takin care of their animals, bastards. I was so pissed!!
~How often have u had to drug test for a job?
~If you were making enough money at your current position, but it wasnt exactly what you were *passionate* abt ... would you take a lower pay rate or go back to school in order to obtain the job of your dreams?
~Would it make u mad if your spouse made more than you? How abt your best friend? How abt your pet? lol
~Have u ever flipped out in public before? explain

and remember kids ... drugs, not hugs!!

~How often have u had to drug test for a job?
Never. Nearly all my jobs has been within the Church of Norway, and they trust me
~If you were making enough money at your current position, but it wasnt exactly what you were *passionate* abt ... would you take a lower pay rate or go back to school in order to obtain the job of your dreams?
I did that actually. I was a grave digger (pays rather well cause it is hard to get people to do it), but quit to study theology.
~Would it make u mad if your spouse made more than you?
I would love it if my ex whife made more than me, cause then I would have to pay less in allamony.
How abt your best friend?
All my friends make more than me, cause I am on disabillity.
How abt your pet? lol
My pet just costs me money
~Have u ever flipped out in public before? explain
Depends on what you mean by flipping out. I did some crazy things as singer in my old band "Erogene Toner" (Erogenous Tones). I also was an actor and entertainer for a while, making a fool of myself in public. Late Saturday Night Acapella Singing with my friends in the streets of Stavanger, may also count. (We were good singers though)
followed you here from models.
that standard release form you were talking about, where did you get it? did you make it yourself? what does it say?
i need something like that too, to cover my ass, but i don't know what to put in it.
please help the noob