I was so happy to already have received emails from ppl interested in sharing the house with us ... until I found out that all the emails were from SCAMMERS!!
I couldnt fucking believe that these ppl were actually going on websites like craigs list and EZ roomate trying to get strangers to cash fraudulent checks for them and send them the balance through money gram!!! I have gotten 4 of the EXACT same emails in the past few days, and one email thats a scam, but slightly different than the others.
What I dont understand is ... how are these ppl getting away with this?! If we have the person's FULL NAME and address, why cant someone fucking BUST these assholes?? I really want to pretend like Im going along with these scams, just so I can royally fuck them in the end by turning them in ... but where the fuck do u turn these ppl in??
These ppl are out there, boy, and they are out like WHOAH. They're posing as ebay staff, banks, amazon sellers ... you name it, these fuckers are everywhere! Are there really ppl out there that are stupid enough to go along with any of them? Some of these "scams" are only asking for your full name and address ... so I wonder what they're up to. I thought you couldnt steal someone's identity if you didnt have their social security number? I mean .. it doesnt make sense that these ppl can scam you just by having your name and address ... hell, ANYONE could make up names and addresses, that doesnt mean shit. So what are these ppl after?
Anyways, we havent gotten any potential roomies yet ... so if you or anyone u know is moving to chicago or surrounding area, you can have them email me at coderabies@yahoo.com. We have a 3 bedroom house with a seperate upstairs living quarters, we're asking for half the rent and half the utilities. $650 would be half the rent, BTW.
~Have u ever been scammed or had someone try to scam you?
~If yes, whats the weirdest one or the closest you came to going along with it?

I couldnt fucking believe that these ppl were actually going on websites like craigs list and EZ roomate trying to get strangers to cash fraudulent checks for them and send them the balance through money gram!!! I have gotten 4 of the EXACT same emails in the past few days, and one email thats a scam, but slightly different than the others.
What I dont understand is ... how are these ppl getting away with this?! If we have the person's FULL NAME and address, why cant someone fucking BUST these assholes?? I really want to pretend like Im going along with these scams, just so I can royally fuck them in the end by turning them in ... but where the fuck do u turn these ppl in??
These ppl are out there, boy, and they are out like WHOAH. They're posing as ebay staff, banks, amazon sellers ... you name it, these fuckers are everywhere! Are there really ppl out there that are stupid enough to go along with any of them? Some of these "scams" are only asking for your full name and address ... so I wonder what they're up to. I thought you couldnt steal someone's identity if you didnt have their social security number? I mean .. it doesnt make sense that these ppl can scam you just by having your name and address ... hell, ANYONE could make up names and addresses, that doesnt mean shit. So what are these ppl after?
Anyways, we havent gotten any potential roomies yet ... so if you or anyone u know is moving to chicago or surrounding area, you can have them email me at coderabies@yahoo.com. We have a 3 bedroom house with a seperate upstairs living quarters, we're asking for half the rent and half the utilities. $650 would be half the rent, BTW.
~Have u ever been scammed or had someone try to scam you?
~If yes, whats the weirdest one or the closest you came to going along with it?
all they bought was the picture of the dude abd the laptop. fuckin bogus.