Ok heres a look at my haircut .. get a good look, cuz you'll most likely never see me without my extensions in my hair ever agn ...
Today is the day of my man's show, so Ill be going out tonight, thank god. My life has been so lame lately. I guess I could use the relaxation. Ive got a few photo shoots coming up, so it'll be nice to get back into modeling. Im finally starting to feel more like myself again.
And back by poopular demand (yes, that was an intentional typo) ...
Aries: (March 21April 19)
You'll be honored, after a fashion, when the mayor of New York secretly awards you the key to the city of Boston and asks you to "leave no stone atop another."
Taurus: (April. 20May 20)
You take a lot of pride in what you are, which is at once rather noble, fairly self-destructive, and just ludicrous on the face of it.
Gemini: (May 21June 21)
You hold advanced degrees in mathematics and physics, collect Renaissance bronzes, and have an especial penchant for chamber music, but a leading deodorant company insists you're a "Mitchum Man."
Cancer: (June 22July 22)
Your life will continue unchanged for six of the next seven days. The other one will feature lots of upset bison.
Leo: (July 23Aug. 22)
Scientists will have completed a map of the universe within 25 years, making life hell for you and other lovers of ambiguity.
Virgo: (Aug. 23Sept. 22)
For the next year, you'll be haunted by the sickly, ghostly, jolly specter of those 110 pounds you had surgically excised in May.
Libra: (Sept. 23Oct. 23)
Your soft life is destroyed with the exposure of your false birth certificate, forcing you out from under the shelter of child-labor laws.
Scorpio: (Oct. 24Nov. 21)
Being blonde, healthy, and blue-eyed comes in handy yet again this week when the government unveils its new program of National Socialized Medicine.
Sagittarius: (Nov. 22Dec. 21)
A little superstition never hurt anyone, but it's becoming a real pain for everyone to accommodate your lucky full-sized replica of Michelangelo's David.
Capricorn: (Dec. 22Jan. 19)
If there's one problem with your get-rich-quick scheme, it's probably that one that the police, the Mafia, and the Treasury Department all used to track you down.
Aquarius: (Jan. 20Feb. 18)
You thought you'd gotten past that incident last winter when you T-boned that bus, but the world's buses have pledged to avenge their fallen comrade sevenfold.
Pisces: (Feb. 19March 20)
Your attempt to make the most
romantic marriage proposal in history backfires when it rains unexpectedly, the gondola catches fire, and the bear forgets its training and reverts to man-eating.
~You have a magic gun that turns whoever you shoot into dust, and POOF! Theyre history. If no one would ever be able to trace it back to you .. would you kill your worst enemy?
~What would u change abt yourself if you could? (this could be anything at all .. physical, mental .. whatever)
~You can have any pet in the universe, you ... yes you. You're special. What animal would u have as a pet if u could?

Today is the day of my man's show, so Ill be going out tonight, thank god. My life has been so lame lately. I guess I could use the relaxation. Ive got a few photo shoots coming up, so it'll be nice to get back into modeling. Im finally starting to feel more like myself again.
And back by poopular demand (yes, that was an intentional typo) ...
Aries: (March 21April 19)
You'll be honored, after a fashion, when the mayor of New York secretly awards you the key to the city of Boston and asks you to "leave no stone atop another."
Taurus: (April. 20May 20)
You take a lot of pride in what you are, which is at once rather noble, fairly self-destructive, and just ludicrous on the face of it.
Gemini: (May 21June 21)
You hold advanced degrees in mathematics and physics, collect Renaissance bronzes, and have an especial penchant for chamber music, but a leading deodorant company insists you're a "Mitchum Man."
Cancer: (June 22July 22)
Your life will continue unchanged for six of the next seven days. The other one will feature lots of upset bison.
Leo: (July 23Aug. 22)
Scientists will have completed a map of the universe within 25 years, making life hell for you and other lovers of ambiguity.
Virgo: (Aug. 23Sept. 22)
For the next year, you'll be haunted by the sickly, ghostly, jolly specter of those 110 pounds you had surgically excised in May.
Libra: (Sept. 23Oct. 23)
Your soft life is destroyed with the exposure of your false birth certificate, forcing you out from under the shelter of child-labor laws.
Scorpio: (Oct. 24Nov. 21)
Being blonde, healthy, and blue-eyed comes in handy yet again this week when the government unveils its new program of National Socialized Medicine.
Sagittarius: (Nov. 22Dec. 21)
A little superstition never hurt anyone, but it's becoming a real pain for everyone to accommodate your lucky full-sized replica of Michelangelo's David.
Capricorn: (Dec. 22Jan. 19)
If there's one problem with your get-rich-quick scheme, it's probably that one that the police, the Mafia, and the Treasury Department all used to track you down.
Aquarius: (Jan. 20Feb. 18)
You thought you'd gotten past that incident last winter when you T-boned that bus, but the world's buses have pledged to avenge their fallen comrade sevenfold.
Pisces: (Feb. 19March 20)
Your attempt to make the most
romantic marriage proposal in history backfires when it rains unexpectedly, the gondola catches fire, and the bear forgets its training and reverts to man-eating.
~You have a magic gun that turns whoever you shoot into dust, and POOF! Theyre history. If no one would ever be able to trace it back to you .. would you kill your worst enemy?
~What would u change abt yourself if you could? (this could be anything at all .. physical, mental .. whatever)
~You can have any pet in the universe, you ... yes you. You're special. What animal would u have as a pet if u could?
That reminds me of the question: If you could go back in time, would you go back and kill Hitler? My answer is: Start thinking like that and before you know it you will be invading Poland. So my answer is no
~What would u change abt yourself if you could? (this could be anything at all .. physical, mental .. whatever)
Duh! My sceleton is dissolving, I suffer from severe pain 24/7, and as a result of that I have a chronic depression + a lot of other ailements to many to mention. You bet I would change it all!
~You can have any pet in the universe, you ... yes you. You're special. What animal would u have as a pet if u could?
Of fantasy animals I would like a pet dragon.
If we are talking real animals here then a Tiger or a wolf would be welcome.