My booo booo baby is home.
Hes on drugs!!! hahahahah! Hes so funny right now, you should see him! Walking all crooked, falling over, so ungraceful! Ive never seen him be anything but GRACEFUL ... but I guess when you're full of the good stuff (ketamine and valium, yum yum yum) it can uh, distort your perception, lol, to say the least.
Its so good to see him. Hold him. Pet him. Kiss him and hug him (although he doesnt particularly like that, hes not seeming to mind right NOW with the drugs n all) The nurses all loved him, all the reports stated good things abt him "very affectionate cat!" "super friendly and loving!" "very responsive and sweet" ... yep, dats meh baybeh. <3
He was probably really depressed abt being in the cage for 3 days, so he didnt eat while he was there. He attacked his food dish as soon as he walked in the door, yummy urinary tract health food, lol.
Baybeh slept on my chest alllll night. He hardly ever does that. I mean, he sleeps with me every night, but usually next to me, not right on top of me! lol! Hes only ever slept right ON me when I was really sick, it was so sweet ... its almost like he knows Im sick and wants to "be there" for me. Who knows. Hes eating again, drinking ... seems normal now.
*sniff sniff*
~wipes away moisture~
Hes so fabulous.
Its so good to see him. Hold him. Pet him. Kiss him and hug him (although he doesnt particularly like that, hes not seeming to mind right NOW with the drugs n all) The nurses all loved him, all the reports stated good things abt him "very affectionate cat!" "super friendly and loving!" "very responsive and sweet" ... yep, dats meh baybeh. <3
He was probably really depressed abt being in the cage for 3 days, so he didnt eat while he was there. He attacked his food dish as soon as he walked in the door, yummy urinary tract health food, lol.
Baybeh slept on my chest alllll night. He hardly ever does that. I mean, he sleeps with me every night, but usually next to me, not right on top of me! lol! Hes only ever slept right ON me when I was really sick, it was so sweet ... its almost like he knows Im sick and wants to "be there" for me. Who knows. Hes eating again, drinking ... seems normal now.
Hes so fabulous.
Do you still want me to draw you?? I have a busy as fuck weekend this weekend but once it's over, I'll draw you if you want me to! I draw cartoony type people most of the time, so it'd be a more animated version of your beautiful self.
I love drawing gorgeous people and you fit that description perfectly
Oh yeah, I have a boner for you as well