I know Ive been kinda bad at replying, but just hang in there. Ill get around to it. Lately Ive been really busy with important shit like trying to get my cat seen. NO, I havent found anyone to see him yet. NO ONE will take payments, except this one place ... who stated they would take payment plans as long as the bill was over $400. OMFG am I Bill gates? No. I am just a regular person with a cat. A cat I cannot afford. I dont know what to do at this point, the fucking cat is my LIFE and I cant live without him. Every second hes here is a second more he is in agony and not getting help for it. Every minute that goes by my heart aches that much more ...
I have been hit with 3 other bills that are just, all of the sudden. Bills I cannot ignore. I wish I had my tax return NOW, this would solve everything and then some. Gotta wait a few months.
I wish the site would hurry up and buy my sets. That, would also solve a lot.
ugh, fuck this bullshit. I need a miracle, damnit.
I have been hit with 3 other bills that are just, all of the sudden. Bills I cannot ignore. I wish I had my tax return NOW, this would solve everything and then some. Gotta wait a few months.
I wish the site would hurry up and buy my sets. That, would also solve a lot.
ugh, fuck this bullshit. I need a miracle, damnit.
I wish had a debit card with the Visa logo. Evil bank! I think credit cards are evil so I'm never gonna get one of those. As for friends...I'm not sure if they have them either. Except for Redderz who was the one who got the gift subscription. XD
Maybe I can bug her. Hmm.