I miss my cat terribly. I hate sleeping alone. I hate not having him on my lap as I type this. I miss his companionship. TERRIBLY!
I decided to start dancing again at a nearby club ... hopefully I can make a little cash. Or a lot. Preferably a LOT.
Tell me what u guys have been up to lately! And also ...
what (to you) would be the perfect relationship? I know no one is perfect ... but do we sometimes get a little "too" picky and choosey? Do we let things slide when we shouldnt? Or do we NOT let things slide when we SHOULD?
A lot of us spend too much time looking for the perfect person or the perfect relationship .... and I wonder if such a thing exists. I think that sometimes ppl expect too much from others and therefor can pass up great opportunities.
Im not going to ramble ... but what is YOUR ideal relationship?
I miss sleeping with you too, i cannot sleep at night because i miss you so much. Come home soon.
Your cat