Hello how the FUCK are you ppl?
There's a new law in town, kiddies ... it's called ASH'S LAW. You must abide by it, or else ... you know where the door is, try not to get shot in the balls on the way out. Its a very simple rule, really ...
The law is ... if something in this world doesnt directly effect YOU, then dont worry abt it. Mind your own business! Im not hurting you, am I? Dont worry, if it has to do with someone u love or care abt, then it INDIRECTLY effects you and therefore ... the law is null and void.
But if you are gonna freak out on me because you think marajuana is the devil, bisexuals are fuckheads, or my hair scares u and u label me a horrible person because I hate the thought of wearing a suit to work ... well then ... wtf! You are a fucking blind man, my friend, if you cannot see anything else. PPl see only what they want to.
Im ranting agn, arent I?
Sorry but ... whats this is stemmed from is just that ... ppl always tend to give a shit abt something that has NOTHING to do with them!! Lets say uh ... one of my faves: gay marriage. NOW ... if bob and steve are in love and they get married ... WTF DOES THAT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND YOUR STUPID ASS LIFE?
I know this law cannot apply to everything in life, but maaaaan ... it should apply to a LOT MORE things than it does.
Im bored to tears and ... cant ever seem to figure out how to make synthetic dreads for myself
I can dread other ppl's hair, but not my own. And I dont know anyone else that loves me enough to come here and spend nine hours twisting and tying my hair, lol. Thats a friend, lol. I called beauty shops just to see how much it would cost to SEPERATE my hair into lotsa little pony tails so that I could at the very LEAST ... tie the dreds in myself ... and they were like "it doesnt cost anything ... BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR THAT!"
There's a new law in town, kiddies ... it's called ASH'S LAW. You must abide by it, or else ... you know where the door is, try not to get shot in the balls on the way out. Its a very simple rule, really ...
The law is ... if something in this world doesnt directly effect YOU, then dont worry abt it. Mind your own business! Im not hurting you, am I? Dont worry, if it has to do with someone u love or care abt, then it INDIRECTLY effects you and therefore ... the law is null and void.
But if you are gonna freak out on me because you think marajuana is the devil, bisexuals are fuckheads, or my hair scares u and u label me a horrible person because I hate the thought of wearing a suit to work ... well then ... wtf! You are a fucking blind man, my friend, if you cannot see anything else. PPl see only what they want to.
Im ranting agn, arent I?
Sorry but ... whats this is stemmed from is just that ... ppl always tend to give a shit abt something that has NOTHING to do with them!! Lets say uh ... one of my faves: gay marriage. NOW ... if bob and steve are in love and they get married ... WTF DOES THAT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU AND YOUR STUPID ASS LIFE?
I know this law cannot apply to everything in life, but maaaaan ... it should apply to a LOT MORE things than it does.
Im bored to tears and ... cant ever seem to figure out how to make synthetic dreads for myself
I can dread other ppl's hair, but not my own. And I dont know anyone else that loves me enough to come here and spend nine hours twisting and tying my hair, lol. Thats a friend, lol. I called beauty shops just to see how much it would cost to SEPERATE my hair into lotsa little pony tails so that I could at the very LEAST ... tie the dreds in myself ... and they were like "it doesnt cost anything ... BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE THE PATIENCE FOR THAT!"
Yes, I have noticed a pattern on my journal entry too. Nobody likes me. lol Sad aint it? Fuck'em Spose when I leave the house now, I should have my kevlar undies on and be on the look out for you and your glock.
a voice says "all bow before her judicial highness, Mistress Ash is now presiding over this trial".... charges are being brought against you for beating some goth boy who works in a coffee shop.... you vaguely remember telling that story to some guy you met at the party you thoght you were just at.... a testimony is given of the exact story you told... thoughts of how fucked you are flood your head!
im the mild mannered preppy guy that you trust... you party with... you go to church with... watch football with... im also the guy that dates goth girls, is into S&M, is friends with everyone, and HEARS EVERYTHING.... i do everything all of us on SG do, live, and are... but during the day i blend in with the rest of the population... im strait out of an abercrombie & finch catalog, and could easily be seen chumming it up in the hamptions... but im a spy and headhunter for a group that has decided to take shit no longer,
i am a soldier for the government that was based on freedom... but i cannot color my hair, get tattoos on my neck or anywhere that cant be covered by a shirt or have piercings in my face or mouth... but i accepted that as a small price to pay so that others like the people who are members of this site could be free to do, dress, look, and act as they please. so when others degrade or deface the individuals who take advantage of these freedoms... then they degrade what i and others have fought and died for... and i dont take kindly to disrespect, and violators become victoms of a sword i wield, which brandishes an enscription "IN GOTH WE TRUST"
so the next time your at a bar speeking loudly of some punk slut you took advantage of... i might be ordering a drink right next to you... and you'll never know that i was the one she called for comfort last night after you beat her... and your the one ive been looking for...