'Tis the season to be ... afraid of cops! They're freakin everywhere! Crime goes sky high during the holidays so I can understand the need for extra protection, but when u bend the rules like I do this isn't exactly the best time of year.
You never know how terribly ALONE u truly are until something traumatic happens and u need the help of someone else. We were pulled over for expired tags and the cop arrested my man & had the car towed. I wasn't dressed for the weather, so I stood outside by the payphone at this gas station trying to think of *someone* to call to come get me.The ONLY person who could help in this situation didn't answer .. I searched my mind for ANY other possibility for someone to call, and came up with no one. I was far from home, freezing, and I just felt soooo alone. I could think of a dozen ppl to call if I was still in Tampa, but alas, I am not. That night really got me thinking abt my life and the direction it's going. After bailing my man out, paying for the tow and fines .. we are completely broke. Thanks for the xmas present, Mr. Police officer. My kid will *really* remember xmas '09 thanks to you. Bastard.
With no family, one tends to create a "family" of their own out of a group of ppl they love. I have always relied on my friends my whole life as sort of a "surrogate" family. Without them, honestly, I am nothing. I am not strong, I am not happy, I am just not "me".
Well, every yr I put up my sons xmas list on my profile because I don't make much $ and I really could use the help (THIS YR ESPECIALLY). Plz take a look if u can, there are some *really* cheap things on the list if u buy them USED (even if u don't there are cheap things!). This year especially SUCKS because the $$ we were going to use for xmas got spent on Cook county cops. My sons wishlist, take a peek!!
If for some reason the link doesnt work (because I *am* kind of a moron, lol) then u can easily find it under my old email address by doing a wishlist search: lustchance9@yahoo.com
I hope everyone is doing well during this crazy ass holiday season and we all make it out ALIVE!!
~When was the last time u were pulled over by a cop while driving? What happened?
~Do you buy animals xmas gifts?
~What is the BEST gift you ever got for xmas?
~What was the best gift you think YOU ever purchased for someone ELSE?
See u soon
I miss you guys (and u know who u are!)
You never know how terribly ALONE u truly are until something traumatic happens and u need the help of someone else. We were pulled over for expired tags and the cop arrested my man & had the car towed. I wasn't dressed for the weather, so I stood outside by the payphone at this gas station trying to think of *someone* to call to come get me.The ONLY person who could help in this situation didn't answer .. I searched my mind for ANY other possibility for someone to call, and came up with no one. I was far from home, freezing, and I just felt soooo alone. I could think of a dozen ppl to call if I was still in Tampa, but alas, I am not. That night really got me thinking abt my life and the direction it's going. After bailing my man out, paying for the tow and fines .. we are completely broke. Thanks for the xmas present, Mr. Police officer. My kid will *really* remember xmas '09 thanks to you. Bastard.
With no family, one tends to create a "family" of their own out of a group of ppl they love. I have always relied on my friends my whole life as sort of a "surrogate" family. Without them, honestly, I am nothing. I am not strong, I am not happy, I am just not "me".
Well, every yr I put up my sons xmas list on my profile because I don't make much $ and I really could use the help (THIS YR ESPECIALLY). Plz take a look if u can, there are some *really* cheap things on the list if u buy them USED (even if u don't there are cheap things!). This year especially SUCKS because the $$ we were going to use for xmas got spent on Cook county cops. My sons wishlist, take a peek!!
If for some reason the link doesnt work (because I *am* kind of a moron, lol) then u can easily find it under my old email address by doing a wishlist search: lustchance9@yahoo.com
I hope everyone is doing well during this crazy ass holiday season and we all make it out ALIVE!!
~When was the last time u were pulled over by a cop while driving? What happened?
~Do you buy animals xmas gifts?
~What is the BEST gift you ever got for xmas?
~What was the best gift you think YOU ever purchased for someone ELSE?
See u soon

I don't remember the last time I was pulled over. It must have been at least 10 years ago. Probably for speeding in my hometown. I probably got a ticket and my dad probably paid it. Spoiled.
I have not had a pet as an adult but when I was a kid my parents always got treats for out dogs at Christmas.
That's a tough one. I was really excited when I got my easy bake oven when I was a little girl. But when I was a second year Law student my parents gave me the next years tuition. That was a pretty big, and totally unexpected gift. I think they took a second mortgage to do it. I was pretty damn excited.
I gave my parents an Alaskan cruise last year. It was more than I could afford but my dad had promised it to my mom and then had to take a pay cut at his job and given how much they have done for me I was glad to finally give them something they really wanted.
Your comment is funny because I don't even like fish. It's nice that you actually take the time to read my journal while no one else around here seems to.