Welllll ... the temp agency that screwed us over is still MIA and wont return any of my calls. Their business is so damn illegitimate that I'm calling the Better business beau-rough, I swear their operation was *sooo* shady you almost wondered how they could get away with doing business this way! I wondered HOW in the hell they even GOT business but I suppose the ppl that need their services don't see the inner workings or know how badly the employees AND *they* themselves are getting screwed! I was going to save our checks so they could cancel them and hopefully send us the CORRECT ones with all the hours we worked, but I needed the money so decided to cash them. Ooops! I mean .. I *tried* to cash them. These checks wont be touched by *any* bank or check cashing facility from here to mars. Great. I have ONE last hope .. and I'm working on it now.
Well I'm very very VERY distraught. I got kicked out of cosmetology school and lost my one and only chance for an $18,000 grant to attend. I could not get my car fixed in time.
Gosh I don't deal with stress well and it's tearing me apart. This was MY DREAM and it was finally happening. Ahh well. Everything happens 4 a reason, and when my man starts his new job on the 28th ... we wouldn't have been able to make both things work anyways with only one car, so I guess it wasn't meant to be. But ... what now? I don't know an alternative. But now I have what, 6 days to come up with the other $300 or else my man won't have a job, so I guess I'd better focus on that for now.
I can't remember the last time I got 4 hrs of sleep in a row. I know that it's extremely, shockingly, amazingly, phenomenally for me to at least get 4 hrs of sleep in a row for many health reasons. First off, I can't even fall asleep without a sleep aid and I hate those and dont wanna rely on them. Secondly, when I DO fall asleep, I just wake up every hr or two for .. ?? FOR WHAT??
~What does it mean when you wake up all the time like that, does anyone know? I know my health has got to be rotten as hell because I seriously am not lying when I state that I cannot remember the last time I got 4 hrs of sleep in a row.
~When you feel like you're gonna EXPLODE or destroy everything out of unfairness and the inability the deal with the piling amount of STRESS that you deal with consistently (which only seems to get worse, am I right?) ... please, for god or someones sake, please ... tell me how you can deal with it. Are there any things that help you focus and not let things get u sooo down that you can't pull yourself up again? I'm uhhh .. asking for a friend.
I love you guys, u rock.
If you have the time to view a really just downright nonsensical video that is probably the most retarded thing you've ever seen, but you have a great sense of humor and want to laugh yourself out of your chair, go to this link (sorry I have no idea how to embed it here) SHOES!!
Well I'm very very VERY distraught. I got kicked out of cosmetology school and lost my one and only chance for an $18,000 grant to attend. I could not get my car fixed in time.

I can't remember the last time I got 4 hrs of sleep in a row. I know that it's extremely, shockingly, amazingly, phenomenally for me to at least get 4 hrs of sleep in a row for many health reasons. First off, I can't even fall asleep without a sleep aid and I hate those and dont wanna rely on them. Secondly, when I DO fall asleep, I just wake up every hr or two for .. ?? FOR WHAT??
~What does it mean when you wake up all the time like that, does anyone know? I know my health has got to be rotten as hell because I seriously am not lying when I state that I cannot remember the last time I got 4 hrs of sleep in a row.
~When you feel like you're gonna EXPLODE or destroy everything out of unfairness and the inability the deal with the piling amount of STRESS that you deal with consistently (which only seems to get worse, am I right?) ... please, for god or someones sake, please ... tell me how you can deal with it. Are there any things that help you focus and not let things get u sooo down that you can't pull yourself up again? I'm uhhh .. asking for a friend.

I love you guys, u rock.
If you have the time to view a really just downright nonsensical video that is probably the most retarded thing you've ever seen, but you have a great sense of humor and want to laugh yourself out of your chair, go to this link (sorry I have no idea how to embed it here) SHOES!!
its actually blue and purple but it is still extremely bold. much bolder than i realized it would be. too late now! haha
I hope things have gotten better. I'm pretty sure the sleep problem is stress. When a friend of mine was having a similar problem he found that relaxation techniques really helped. I don't remember exactly what they were but when I talk to him next I'll ask him.