Jesus, I can't even believe my eyes when I checked the date of my last journal post here. Has it really come to this? I remember getting so much joy on here from all the fun I had that I wanted to post every other day just because I loved to get my thoughts out .. but figured that if I didnt at least write once a WEEK it wouldnt give most people enough time to read what was going on in my life, so decided on the 1x a week thing. Now it's not even once a month? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?
It's been really difficult to come back here to my page and NOT see my favorite faces that I loved so much. Ppl come and go out of your life, online or not. I used to like going to events and now I feel like I dont know anyone. School takes up 80% of my day (when I can GET there) and my family the other 20%. Fun? Relaxation? Socializing? Those things don't exist right now.
Can you believe that after my axle broke it was less than a week later that my starter/battery broke while I was downtown at the doctors office. Less than a week! I havent been able to get to school and again am in danger of getting expelled and losing my grant. ugh. The great news is that my man has finally started really really trying his hardest to find work and its paying off, ppl are calling for interviews and he's getting some interest.
Ya know, I can think of fifty million other things to write here because it's been so long since Ive been here ... but I think I will save those for my next blog .. ya know .. the one Im going to write in a FEW DAYS.
There is still a reason Im here, and it's because of the friends I have here that have never stopped messaging and responding to my blogs no matter HOW infrequent. U know who u are and I fuckin love you.
~if your best friend (whom you view as a sister because u love her so much) was doing things that were unsafe and just plain really irresponsible parenting for her child, would you feel obligated to tell her, or would u stay out of her business? And for once, Im going to answer my own question ... I feel that if you saw your best friends child in the middle of the road and a car was coming straight for him, you would push him out of the way because you wouldnt want him to get hurt. I feel this is the same principle. If you *know* that what this person is doing is going to have very bad consequences for not only HER, but for her child .. how could you NOT say anything??
~Anti gun laws ... FOR or AGAINST?
~What do you think is the fastest way to lose weight? And "dieting and exercising" doesnt count, you have to say *specifically* what type of exercise or diet!
~Show me your favorite picture of yourself. (If you dont have one ... I dont believe you! ha!)
See you guys soon. Reeeeal soon.
It's been really difficult to come back here to my page and NOT see my favorite faces that I loved so much. Ppl come and go out of your life, online or not. I used to like going to events and now I feel like I dont know anyone. School takes up 80% of my day (when I can GET there) and my family the other 20%. Fun? Relaxation? Socializing? Those things don't exist right now.
Can you believe that after my axle broke it was less than a week later that my starter/battery broke while I was downtown at the doctors office. Less than a week! I havent been able to get to school and again am in danger of getting expelled and losing my grant. ugh. The great news is that my man has finally started really really trying his hardest to find work and its paying off, ppl are calling for interviews and he's getting some interest.
Ya know, I can think of fifty million other things to write here because it's been so long since Ive been here ... but I think I will save those for my next blog .. ya know .. the one Im going to write in a FEW DAYS.

~if your best friend (whom you view as a sister because u love her so much) was doing things that were unsafe and just plain really irresponsible parenting for her child, would you feel obligated to tell her, or would u stay out of her business? And for once, Im going to answer my own question ... I feel that if you saw your best friends child in the middle of the road and a car was coming straight for him, you would push him out of the way because you wouldnt want him to get hurt. I feel this is the same principle. If you *know* that what this person is doing is going to have very bad consequences for not only HER, but for her child .. how could you NOT say anything??
~Anti gun laws ... FOR or AGAINST?
~What do you think is the fastest way to lose weight? And "dieting and exercising" doesnt count, you have to say *specifically* what type of exercise or diet!
~Show me your favorite picture of yourself. (If you dont have one ... I dont believe you! ha!)
See you guys soon. Reeeeal soon.
