In the spirit of forever trying to improve myself and my surroundings, I've spent a lot of time trying to pinpoint what issues in life need the most attention. I have finally come to a very important conclusion:
I severely lack discipline.
I'm not exactly sure when or how this happened but I'm glad that I've at least come to the conclusion that it *is* an issue and that it needs attention.
I remember having at least *some* discipline in the past otherwise I would have never been able to accomplish anything in life, and since I *have* accomplished many things in the past .. one could make the assumption that I could do it again.
I wonder what happened along the way that made me lose my structure ... and I'm really hoping that I don't have to pick apart every little stage in life or decision I've made just to correct the problem and work on it. That would take too much time.
I can't even *believe* we're in the month of MAY already! This month is one of my personal favorites, not only because my own bday rests in the month of May, but almost *every* close friend or relative I have has their bday in May also!! This makes May one big non-stop fun fest for me and the ppl I'm closest to.
~What advice would u give someone who lacks discipline in their life?
~What are some of your vices that you're currently working on?
~Post a photo that best describes what you're thinking or feeling at this moment.
I feel like this lately ...

I severely lack discipline.
I'm not exactly sure when or how this happened but I'm glad that I've at least come to the conclusion that it *is* an issue and that it needs attention.

I wonder what happened along the way that made me lose my structure ... and I'm really hoping that I don't have to pick apart every little stage in life or decision I've made just to correct the problem and work on it. That would take too much time.
I can't even *believe* we're in the month of MAY already! This month is one of my personal favorites, not only because my own bday rests in the month of May, but almost *every* close friend or relative I have has their bday in May also!! This makes May one big non-stop fun fest for me and the ppl I'm closest to.

~What advice would u give someone who lacks discipline in their life?
~What are some of your vices that you're currently working on?
~Post a photo that best describes what you're thinking or feeling at this moment.
I feel like this lately ...

I'm pretty straight laced. I don't have a lot of vices. But I've always been curious. Suggest some good ones?