I feel so overwhelmed!! I havent had the internet at my house for abt 2 months now, which is proving to be a VERY big inconvenience in soooo many ways! First and foremost, I use abt 5-6 different job sites to search for jobs, and I havent gotten an interview in months. Its very discouraging. My man is experiencing the same issue, as he is also unemployed. Our savings is running out FAST. I want to go back and finish school more than anything, but cant do that until he gets work. I'm behind in my emails, Im behind in all my sg posts and groups ... *sigh*. I want a drama free life. Any free coffee shops or anything like that have this site blocked bec ause its considered "porn", and I havent the money to pay for an internet cafe. Aaaah such is life though!
Im fortunate enough to have the ability to come here NOW to at the very least ... say hello and let u know that I still think abt you guys, havent forgotten abt yous, and still plan on coming thru on a lot of my promises. The sg chicago shoot is coming up in april sometime, so look forward to that! 1920's gangster theme
Well I gotta keep this short, but I couldnt keep away from u guys for long. I plan on asking a friend if I can come over and use her net for the day to catch up on all my online business ... and that includes coming to all your journals to see how ya'll are doing
~Whats your favorite type of food?
~Is it considered "cheating" if u have internet sex if you're in a monogamous relationship?
~If you could see me with a certain hair style or hair color .. what would it be? How abt for yourself?
~In all honesty .. how *are* u doing right now? I dont wanna hear "fine!" or "good!" just because thats the typical and easiest answer. cmon ... let me know
I miss Sg Sioux.
I miss sg Beau
Who do YOU miss?
Im fortunate enough to have the ability to come here NOW to at the very least ... say hello and let u know that I still think abt you guys, havent forgotten abt yous, and still plan on coming thru on a lot of my promises. The sg chicago shoot is coming up in april sometime, so look forward to that! 1920's gangster theme

Well I gotta keep this short, but I couldnt keep away from u guys for long. I plan on asking a friend if I can come over and use her net for the day to catch up on all my online business ... and that includes coming to all your journals to see how ya'll are doing

~Whats your favorite type of food?
~Is it considered "cheating" if u have internet sex if you're in a monogamous relationship?
~If you could see me with a certain hair style or hair color .. what would it be? How abt for yourself?
~In all honesty .. how *are* u doing right now? I dont wanna hear "fine!" or "good!" just because thats the typical and easiest answer. cmon ... let me know

I miss Sg Sioux.

I miss sg Beau

Who do YOU miss?
Someone gave me a free 3 months! How are things sweetie???