I've been having this re-occuring dream the last few nights where I am so unstable that I've actually been institutionalized. Whats even more weird is that in every dream ... they medicate me by feeding me this weird pinkish-grey paste, which I guess is also how they feed us in this odd psyche ward. Medicated food paste. Awesome!
School starts on the 24th and I havent done my financial aid papers, so I guess I'll have to start in 6 wks when the next class starts. It sucks, but that also gives me more time to examine my situtation and find out if this really is the school I want, or if a cheaper school will suffice.
I made a wishlist for myself ... yes ME! It's only going up for a short time because there are things on it that I actually *need* in order to do another photo set .. and make some much needed money! If and when I get these items, my sons wishlist will go back up in place of mine. I know u might be thinking "wtf do u *need* to do a photoset besides YOU?" Well a shitload! The costs of getting everything prepared and the props and wardrobe can cost an eye and a leg. To make $ u must spend $, right? Well yes ... unless you're like me and have no $ to begin with
U know u wanna help Ash get nekkid
Wishlist items covered=2 new Ash sets! Can we get a
If my modem doesnt get fixed soon, I will have to move into one of your homes to use yours daily, I hope thats ok.
But seriously .. I do so apologize greatly for the serious LAG in replying to comments lately but I swear it's not my fault! Really! Would I leave YOU? Cmon now. Seriously.
~What makes u happy in times of shittiness?
~Are u driven to create things (as far as art, music, or what have you) in times of great stress? Or does great stress make you unable to create things?
~Could you fall in love with someone without meeting them in real life? How abt over xbox live? lol (I've been gaming online too much lately)
~True or false: You are nice to everyone u meet.
School starts on the 24th and I havent done my financial aid papers, so I guess I'll have to start in 6 wks when the next class starts. It sucks, but that also gives me more time to examine my situtation and find out if this really is the school I want, or if a cheaper school will suffice.
I made a wishlist for myself ... yes ME! It's only going up for a short time because there are things on it that I actually *need* in order to do another photo set .. and make some much needed money! If and when I get these items, my sons wishlist will go back up in place of mine. I know u might be thinking "wtf do u *need* to do a photoset besides YOU?" Well a shitload! The costs of getting everything prepared and the props and wardrobe can cost an eye and a leg. To make $ u must spend $, right? Well yes ... unless you're like me and have no $ to begin with

U know u wanna help Ash get nekkid
Wishlist items covered=2 new Ash sets! Can we get a

If my modem doesnt get fixed soon, I will have to move into one of your homes to use yours daily, I hope thats ok.

~What makes u happy in times of shittiness?
~Are u driven to create things (as far as art, music, or what have you) in times of great stress? Or does great stress make you unable to create things?
~Could you fall in love with someone without meeting them in real life? How abt over xbox live? lol (I've been gaming online too much lately)
~True or false: You are nice to everyone u meet.
My art is fixing up an old truck and I can work on it when im stressed. It gives me something positive to focus on instead of the other shit.
Yes I believe you can or at least close. You always need that face to face but feelings can emerge. If I remeber people used to court by written letters years and years ago. Never played xbox live
Im not i make snap judgments like many others