May rocks. It seems that almost *everyone* in my life that's close to me has a birthday in May (myself included) which is kind of odd, considering there are 12 months in the yr. Why everyone I love is crammed into just one month will remain a mystery.
Everyone is having such a difficult time lately, why is that? With the only common factor being "myself", I've got to wonder if maybe I'm just ... bad luck? I dont even know if I believe in "luck", but what else do u call something that happens, be it positive or negative, that's out of your control?
I hate being kicked while I'm already down. Sometimes the kicking is repetitive. Sometimes the kicking is accompanied by being spit in the face, or a nice "curby" resulting in the loss of your entire row of front teeth, and also a baseball bat smashing your face in. It's times like these where all you want to do is lie there and recover, no matter how long it takes. But everyone around you is continuously screaming "GET UP!! GET UP!!", and you're just thinking:
"listen, man .. I've got 2 broken legs, a missing arm and a shattered skull, how the bloody HELL am I supposed to get up right now?! On my OWN, no less?"
I think inside everyone there is the strongest person in the world, but also the weakest person in the world. I'm sending my most powerful, Ashtastic vibes to everyone who has to get off the ground and stand on broken legs right now.
So yeah, I'll be turning ... 21. For the .. 5th time? 6th time? lol! Shhh! You're only as old as u feel! Only as old as you FEEL!!
~Do u think that beauty can/does effect a persons success in life? Do you typically go for ppl that are what is considered "conventionally beautiful"? What do YOU define as "beauty" in your own words/terms?
~Have u ever received a service for something (like for instance .. eaten in a restaurant) and realized *after* u received the service that u left your wallet at home? (haha Ive always wondered what one does in a scenario such as this!)
~Whats the worst joke that was played on you or that you played on someone else?
~Post a photo of something here for whatever reason ... make sure it's entertaining in some fashion
R.I.P Neo, u are forever loved.
R.I.P Parker, I thought we still had more time.

Everyone is having such a difficult time lately, why is that? With the only common factor being "myself", I've got to wonder if maybe I'm just ... bad luck? I dont even know if I believe in "luck", but what else do u call something that happens, be it positive or negative, that's out of your control?
I hate being kicked while I'm already down. Sometimes the kicking is repetitive. Sometimes the kicking is accompanied by being spit in the face, or a nice "curby" resulting in the loss of your entire row of front teeth, and also a baseball bat smashing your face in. It's times like these where all you want to do is lie there and recover, no matter how long it takes. But everyone around you is continuously screaming "GET UP!! GET UP!!", and you're just thinking:
"listen, man .. I've got 2 broken legs, a missing arm and a shattered skull, how the bloody HELL am I supposed to get up right now?! On my OWN, no less?"

I think inside everyone there is the strongest person in the world, but also the weakest person in the world. I'm sending my most powerful, Ashtastic vibes to everyone who has to get off the ground and stand on broken legs right now.
So yeah, I'll be turning ... 21. For the .. 5th time? 6th time? lol! Shhh! You're only as old as u feel! Only as old as you FEEL!!

~Do u think that beauty can/does effect a persons success in life? Do you typically go for ppl that are what is considered "conventionally beautiful"? What do YOU define as "beauty" in your own words/terms?
~Have u ever received a service for something (like for instance .. eaten in a restaurant) and realized *after* u received the service that u left your wallet at home? (haha Ive always wondered what one does in a scenario such as this!)
~Whats the worst joke that was played on you or that you played on someone else?
~Post a photo of something here for whatever reason ... make sure it's entertaining in some fashion

R.I.P Neo, u are forever loved.

R.I.P Parker, I thought we still had more time.

I had a friend get off in court b/c the judge told him " Life's easier for good looking people". I know it can drop you off people's radar alot at times, get them to drop their guard. Let me go all "Spider Man" - with great power - beauty- comes great responsibility.
I once pumped gas and realized I had no money. I dropped my license off and came back with the money. End of issue.
Worst joke? I don't know, I'm generally too nice of a guy to let bad stuff go...
I lack entertaining pics, too bad we don't have video of 3 hours ago.
As for being beat down, I hate to say it, but yeah, you gotta get up. Otherwise, how you figure you're gonna beat life's ass back? And it's as simple as this in any contest - if you're getting tired, odds are your opponent is too. Roll with the punches long enough, and your chance will come. When that opportunity arises, tackle it for all you're worth and don't let go! Guard your grill sweetie, it'll be ok...eventually.