HOLY SHIT!! I cant remember when I was in *this* much pain before. All 4 wisdom teeth have been coming in ... they are crumbling , excrutiating, and crushing the teeth next to them. I dont even know how many exposed nerves I have, and I can hardly open my jaw at all. All the drugs in the world arent helping ... they need to come out.
But! No insurance. No money. I keep praying that the pain will pass soon (sometimes it comes and goes, but its never felt this painful before and NEVER for this length of time). Im afraid to go to UIC and have college students do it for cheap because they dont give u meds and well .. they're beginners! Im scared enough to go to a REAL dentist, let alone some kid. *sigh*
I got some interviews lined up, all I need to do is get my brakes fixed and hopefully my teeth. I cant imagine starting a new job while being in this much pain, my work performance would SUCK, and my patience is barely existent right now. Hell, I doubt I could make it thru the final interview in this state. My teeth keep giving me migraines
Anyways! I'm really excited that we have a new sg here named Steller, who is just ridiculously beautiful ... I mean to the point where you could almost hate her for being so lovely, but shes so lovely that u cant, if that makes sense. Her set was shot by one of my favorite ladies here, Sioux, who is now in LABOR and I cant fuckin get thru to her on the phone and Im abt to DIE!!
~Know of any cheap places to get brakes fixed at?
~See any good movies lately?
~Who's the top 5 hottest ppl u know?
~Have u ever had a fight with a close friend/fam and both of u were too stubborn to try and mend the broken relationship? What was the outcome? Any advice for this situation?
But! No insurance. No money. I keep praying that the pain will pass soon (sometimes it comes and goes, but its never felt this painful before and NEVER for this length of time). Im afraid to go to UIC and have college students do it for cheap because they dont give u meds and well .. they're beginners! Im scared enough to go to a REAL dentist, let alone some kid. *sigh*
I got some interviews lined up, all I need to do is get my brakes fixed and hopefully my teeth. I cant imagine starting a new job while being in this much pain, my work performance would SUCK, and my patience is barely existent right now. Hell, I doubt I could make it thru the final interview in this state. My teeth keep giving me migraines

Anyways! I'm really excited that we have a new sg here named Steller, who is just ridiculously beautiful ... I mean to the point where you could almost hate her for being so lovely, but shes so lovely that u cant, if that makes sense. Her set was shot by one of my favorite ladies here, Sioux, who is now in LABOR and I cant fuckin get thru to her on the phone and Im abt to DIE!!
~Know of any cheap places to get brakes fixed at?
~See any good movies lately?
~Who's the top 5 hottest ppl u know?
~Have u ever had a fight with a close friend/fam and both of u were too stubborn to try and mend the broken relationship? What was the outcome? Any advice for this situation?
I actually take my camera with me everywhere but work, because I work in a plastics plant and cameras are not allowed in there. So when I feel like taking a picture of something I do. I have about 180 pictures on my camera right now to upload, but I do not know when I will get around to it. I was cheking out the camera to see what all I can do with it as I have only had it a few months and have been pretty busy.
I love sending and recieving mail, its great fun. And I do not have fun anymore so it gives me something, that I like, to do.
How're the teeth?