Now that I've collected myself, I'll keep my little bitchfest in a spoilers section since it's LONG and boring. I just needed to vent, I'm fine now. For the few of u who actually had the patience to read it ... I (luckily!) fixed my tire. But now I have to fix my breaks and pay for a hefty unexpected vet bill for the cat, on top of all the other normal bills for the wk. AND, my mans boss has up & decided to NOT pay him weekly anymore. He will be getting paid MONTHLY now ... which means (yep) we have to make one wks worth of pay last a month. How? I have no idea! Any suggestions??? Wtf kind of boss does this kind of shit anyway? Bastard!

After the most hellacious day ever, I managed to crack a little smile here, despite the ultimately BITTER fucking cold us smokers have to deal with now that the smoking ban passed here.

Here's my new friend, tallboy! He really lives up to that name, believe me! He talked to me as if he'd known me for 17 yrs already, which was cool.

After the most hellacious day ever, I managed to crack a little smile here, despite the ultimately BITTER fucking cold us smokers have to deal with now that the smoking ban passed here.

Here's my new friend, tallboy! He really lives up to that name, believe me! He talked to me as if he'd known me for 17 yrs already, which was cool.
APPARENTLY, today is valentines day. I say, BOYCOTT this lame ass holiday! No one tells me when, where, and how I should show appreciation for my mate! I dont *need* a specific holiday to buy him something or show him hes special, and vice versa. VD is just an excuse to get ppl to buy crap, same as sweetest day or whatever.
~What are some of your pet peeves that involve other ppl?
~When was the last time u were embarassed by the ppl u hung out with?
~What is your "fantasy" mate like?
~Is it ok for the person you're dating to have small crushes on others?
They feel good sometimes don't they?
It's funny. I've been to Chicago many times and I've never really seen the city. I'm always stuck in the Loop the whole time. I'd love to see more of the city someday.
I actually only smoke a few cigarettes a month. And look pretty silly when I do it.
The cartoon Squee's a lot cuter than I am.
What are some of your pet peeves that involve other ppl?
When they expect me to solve all their problems. I can't solve my own what makes them think I can solve their's?
~When was the last time u were embarassed by the ppl u hung out with?
I only get embarrassed by family. My mom embarrasses me when she gets drunk and hits on the pool guy..or the mailman or my friends..
My dad embarrasses me when he goes in to his macho Alpha male bullshit.
~What is your "fantasy" mate like?
Benni was probably as close to my fantasy as I've ever gotten. Not that we were ever more than friends. Just that in many ways she was my ideal woman. I sure as hell miss her.
~Is it ok for the person you're dating to have small crushes on others?
Yeah, I think it's healthy. Or at least relatively normal. I think trying to suppress those feelings is just asking for trouble.