I cant believe its December and Im *still* not working! Grrr, this is so frustrating!!! I thought FOR SURE Id be working by NOW. Hell, I thought Id be working 2 weeks ago at the latest, with all the hours and hours of time and effort I put into looking for work. I simply dont get it. My work history is awesome, my qualifications are fantastic, my references impeccable. I dont want this to be the 2nd xmas in a row that I am jobless.
*bitching continues*
My man FINALLY found other work yesterday, so that will help a lot. We BOTH have to be working to afford this place, but every little bit helps! He has to pass a drug test to officially get the offer.
I think we are on of the only countries in the world where drug testing is legal. I personally think that drug testing is a SEVERE violation of my privacy! Who cares what I do in my own time? Thats MY business! I happen to be a loyal pot smoker, so fuckin what? I dont even drink! I should be allowed *something* to relax with. As long as Im not getting blazed on the job, it shouldnt matter.
I feel as though what Im doing isnt wrong. Its illegal, but not WRONG. I always get everything done right and I take care of my business.
Lots of these drug testing companies are marketing themselves out to all the companies in the US, and some are offering the 10 panel drug test for the same price as the 5 panel one just to get them to test their employees.
~How do u feel abt drug testing?
~Do u celebrate xmas? If not .. do u celebrate anything instead?
~Would u drug test your employees? How abt your kids?

*bitching continues*
My man FINALLY found other work yesterday, so that will help a lot. We BOTH have to be working to afford this place, but every little bit helps! He has to pass a drug test to officially get the offer.
I think we are on of the only countries in the world where drug testing is legal. I personally think that drug testing is a SEVERE violation of my privacy! Who cares what I do in my own time? Thats MY business! I happen to be a loyal pot smoker, so fuckin what? I dont even drink! I should be allowed *something* to relax with. As long as Im not getting blazed on the job, it shouldnt matter.
I feel as though what Im doing isnt wrong. Its illegal, but not WRONG. I always get everything done right and I take care of my business.
Lots of these drug testing companies are marketing themselves out to all the companies in the US, and some are offering the 10 panel drug test for the same price as the 5 panel one just to get them to test their employees.
~How do u feel abt drug testing?
~Do u celebrate xmas? If not .. do u celebrate anything instead?
~Would u drug test your employees? How abt your kids?

and i was told i had a big list...*hanhgs head in shame* lol
~How do u feel abt drug testing?
I have tested a lot of drugs, but having lost my short term and personal memory, I don't want to test any more.
But to what you really ment: I can understand why it is necessary in certain jobs. I would hate to ride a bus driven by a guy high on crack. So I do understand it if it is relevant for the abillity to get the job done.
~Do u celebrate xmas? If not .. do u celebrate anything instead?
I celebrate both Christmas and Yule. In Norway there is actually no difference. It is called Jul and pronounced Yule and celebrated as a Christo-pagan event by most people. The first Christian kings, in their wisdom, decided to put the new and the old together and leave it at that, and so it has stayed for the last 1000 yrs.
~Would u drug test your employees? How abt your kids?
I would drug test my employees, as I said above, if it was relevant.
I would never drug test my kids, but would expect them to tell me if they did any. Being open minded about this stuff, I can't see any reason why they wouldn't.
Don't get me wrong, being an expert on side effects, and having done my fair share of drugs (mostly morphine and morphine related), I would not recomend anybody to use it, but nor would I go spare.