Hello to you today SG Land. I hope you are reading this in a comfortable space with ease in your hearts. It is a rainy, cold day where I am. Although it chills my skin, I find it to be rather heart warming. The rain seems to be encouraging me to stay in and relax...to do things I rarely let myself do...to unwind in a way. And it makes me thankful for my warm home.
I went out to a restaurant this morning for the first time since the pandemic started. I was very nervous to go. I didn't know what to expect and whether people would be wearing masks. The Governor just lifted the mask mandate, which compounds my fear. I am happy to relay that the outing went swimmingly. Most were wearing masks and I felt safe and at ease. I'm not sure when I'll venture out again, but it was nice to have some semblance of normalcy.
There's a poem I wrote many years ago that seems particularly pertinent today. It keeps looping in my mind, so I've decided to share it.
I hold my world in the pit of my stomach-
hoping the closer the more I'll learn from it.
But it turns and it spins and I feel it upset-
I think no ill toward the world but its placement I regret.
You see on the days that it happens to quake
it rips at my organs
and puts my breathing at stake.
I love that we're so close
but its got quite a temper.
I beg and plead "World! When is the end of December?"