WOW! Im back! i dont know why my account deactivates at the end of each month regardless on how many times I pay for a one year suscription. Sent various mails to the peple in charge of this site but they didnt even answered me so Im starting to feel that someone doesent want me around this community any more 
On a brighter note Ive been up to lots of things lately, I took part on a live performance with the MODart in which they pierced 47 needles in my body. it was my first time doing this in front of other people and it was an AWESOME experience.

Made a Photoshoot for My band LUZ

Paprika and I went to see the Wailers play live on a little local club, I took some pictures of the show and at the end of it we could actually spend some minutes with them, shaking the hand of a reggae legend and telling how gratefull you are for their music is something that doesent happens very often.

Last Friday I played a gig with my rock/blues band Des Man Telers and it was pretty good, saw some people I really didnt expected to see there and that kinda made me happy.

Last but not least, I released a Four track E.P. for my solo proyect, you name the price (so its free if you want) and you can download it at my Bandcamp Page.

ok... I think thats all for now!

On a brighter note Ive been up to lots of things lately, I took part on a live performance with the MODart in which they pierced 47 needles in my body. it was my first time doing this in front of other people and it was an AWESOME experience.

Made a Photoshoot for My band LUZ

Paprika and I went to see the Wailers play live on a little local club, I took some pictures of the show and at the end of it we could actually spend some minutes with them, shaking the hand of a reggae legend and telling how gratefull you are for their music is something that doesent happens very often.

Last Friday I played a gig with my rock/blues band Des Man Telers and it was pretty good, saw some people I really didnt expected to see there and that kinda made me happy.

Last but not least, I released a Four track E.P. for my solo proyect, you name the price (so its free if you want) and you can download it at my Bandcamp Page.

ok... I think thats all for now!
GRACIAS por el comment mono!
Thank you so much for the comment on my new set, it means a lot. You gave me some hope to be on the FP one day!