My insomnia is back with a vengeance since beginning to taper off my meds. I should probably stop scrolling through instagram and SG Land - these social media stimulants aren't helping! But I'm a bit addicted to my online life lately. I haven't been very happy with my appearance unless I'm wearing makeup and my skin has been so bad that I don't want to...
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It makes me smile to read this @ash_oh . Made my dreary Monday better. So glad. It’s f#cking hard work!! And I know you already know this, but I often think it’s super important to acknowledge what might seem like small wins and gains… because in reality they aren’t always small… they are kinda huge 🙂. Have a beautiful week 🙏
Thank you so much @burden_in_my_hand I hope you have a wonderful week too! Mine is off to a great start with some photography and spending time in nature. Just getting out of bed and going somewhere is a win, never mind making art at the same time! I'm feeling so blessed 🌻

I just got back from a walk to the local shops dressed like this:

I have had these leggings for so many years but never had the guts to wear them in public (they are very form-fitting).

Back in high school I was crossing the road one day when a complete stranger spat out their window "Fucking emo c**t" at me, and ever since I
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Thank you sooo much 🥰 @fluffrowe a little off topic but I just stumbled across a quote in my journal that I thought might resonate with you; "We all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God's sake. And you know why we were told that? Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our wildness and youth, and because the magic we knew made them ashamed and sad of what they'd allowed to wither in themselves." - Robert McCammon
@ash_oh that's a wonderful quote and oh, so true! I think we should all reconnect with the inner Peter Pan in all of us and reclaim some joy that has been extracted from us by parents, teachers and, to some extent, the police! Too many people lose the ability to have true joy in their lives because they've forgotten how to! Turn the music up, pierce your skin, dye your hair, ink your body, choose life until you die and enjoy every moment of it!!! ❤ Xx

Pretty bored on this rainy Saturday night without my gaming consoles! Would anybody be interested in watching me stream on Twitch?

Thanks @jaytee78 🥰
I want to write about the drinking culture in this country and how hard it was for me to get away from that addictive relationship.
How I needed a crutch for so long, needing the confidence it gave me to be sociable while battling severe anxiety.
I hit 100 days without a drink back in December (unfortunately the only thing that stopped that habit was...
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Wow, that old already? I remember playing Morrowind as a teenager. Starting to feel it @jaytee78
@ash_oh I went the other way, oblivion first, then skyrim, then tried morrowind. Lol

Greetings, SG Land!

It's very early morning in Australia and I can't sleep, I'm too excited since FINALLY applying to be a Hopeful earlier tonight ^.^ so I thought I'd introduce myself..

My name is Ash, I'm level 30 and I moved to the Gold Coast in October last year to spend time with my best friend of 7 years before I was supposed to
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What a wonderful blog! Welcome to theagical land of hopefuls 🥰
@amaryllis thank you so much beautiful lady 🥰💕